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  • Edge case
    • Benign:
      • SRP Chair has not assigned Review Types but SRP member has worked far ahead marked ISRs as Saved or Completed.
      • STT-879 - Getting issue details... STATUS says that the Finalize button is available if all of the ISRs with Review Type not equal to None have Review States of Saved or Completed.
      • In this case, the SRP Member's ISRs are all Review Type = None so the Finalize button is available because technically the condition is satisfied. Finalizing does not change the Review States to Finalize so the SRP member will have to go back later and Finalize when the chair is done with assigning Review Types.
    • Potentially Troublesome:
      • SRP Chair is in the process of assigning Review Types (they have saved but are still working)
      • A SRP Member jumps the gun and hits Finalize and the ISRs with Review Types not equal to None have their Review States changed to Finalized. The SRP chair can no longer modify the Review Type of that SRP member.  STT-871 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Probably Benign:
      • STT-933 - Getting issue details... STATUS says that the condition for initiating Consensus Review is that all the ISRs in a panel with a Review Type of P,S,T have Review States of Finalized.
      • Until the Chair assigns Review Types, all Review Types are None so the TTA member could immediately start Consensus. Of course, the TTA member never would do this in practice...

STT-907 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Open Actions:

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
2024-06-28 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Jeff Kern Discuss with ADs the role of the new tools vs existing PHT.
Jeff Kern2023-04-28 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Discussion on F2F parking lot items
2022-09-02 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Establish who is Telescope Subsystem Scientist for GBT & VLBA.
2021-12-17 TTA Requirements Meeting

  • No labels