A data description is defined as a frequency, bandwidth, and polarization.  This table also has a configuration id so that the ingestion process does not have to search the entire table to see if a given data description is already there.


       Column        |       Type       | Collation | Nullable |                            Default
 data_description_id | integer          |           | not null | nextval('data_descriptions_data_description_id_seq'::regclass)
 bandwidth           | double precision |           | not null |
 frequency           | double precision |           | not null |
 polarization_id     | integer          |           | not null |
 configuration_id    | integer          |           | not null |
    "data_description_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (data_description_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "configurations_data_descriptions_fk" FOREIGN KEY (configuration_id) REFERENCES configurations(configuration_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
    "polarizations_data_descriptions_fk" FOREIGN KEY (polarization_id) REFERENCES polarizations(polarization_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "subscan_data_descriptions" CONSTRAINT "data_descriptions_subscan_data_descriptions_fk" FOREIGN KEY (data_description_id) REFERENCES data_descriptions(data_description_id)


data_description_id: and auto-generated id.

bandwidth: the total width of the observed spectrum, in Hz.

frequency: the central frequency of the observed spectrum, in Hz.

polarization_id: the id of a polarization from the polarizations table.

configuration_id: the id of the configuration for this data description.  multiple configurations can contain data descriptions with identical freq, bandw, and pol.

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