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Updated 6.6.22 at Backlog

Detailed TTA Tools Sprint Feedback Page

JSON files for Solicitations, field sources, and spectral spec generation available on git repository

Summary of Available Solicitations, Facilities, and Capabilities

Completed Last: Sprint 32

Solicitations for review

SolicitationCurrent Test Solicitation?
test solicitationno; retired Sprint ??
a realistic-looking solicitationyes since Sprint ??
Solicitation Specific Facility/Capability for testing

a realistic-looking solicitationCapability
Facilityreal VLA ContinuumGBT Spectral Line
real VLASprint ?? >--
GBT--Sprint 28 >

Helpful Files for Testing

GBT Spectral Line50 Field Sources from the Megamaser use case; the use case specifics a  rms line sensitivity of 6 mJy
GBT Spectral Line1 Spectral Spec from Megamaser use case; Units are GHz, km/s, km/s
GBT Spectral Line

General GBT Spectral Line SS.

There are 2 SS in this file: KFPA and Q band

Solicitation Creation

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

Create a Simple Solicitation from JSON for

  • VLA
  • GBT

not implemented/requirements not in a story:

  • modify parameters such as frequency ranges on bands

STT-342 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Solicitation Config Files

Sprint 16Sprint 16Sprint 30


Can specify what Capability Parameter Specifications are displayed per Solicitation Capability (Eventually, time capsule to past Solicitations)

STT-614 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Can set override flags for Target Override Matrix to allow Capability Parameter Specifications to be overridden

  • The correct overrides are shown in the TOM per Capability

STT-739 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Update/Test a solicitation when a different one is Open and has submitted proposals

Proposal Navigation

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

As an Author, I would like to view my proposals.

  • in a list
  • in a detailed view (Card)

<Sprint 29Sprint 29Sprint 29

Create Proposal

Capability (General)

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

Can Delete Allocation Request; Capability Request; FS,

Can Rename AR,CR,FS, etc

Cannot Copy AR

< Sprint 32

Can Import Field Sources, Spectral Specs with CSV
Sprint 30Sprint 30Sprint 30


Entries in FS, SS, etc persist on save
< Sprint 30Sprint 32*Sprint 32*Front-end for VLA and GBT work similarly but the backend is different. GBT capabilities have an extended backend understanding of FS, SS, etc. VLA capabilities currently only store name and coord, for example, on a FS.
Selection of Calibration Parameters affects STL and OS
Sprint 32

Modifying the TOM affects the Science Target List and the OS generation

STT-658 - Getting issue details... STATUS

STT-693 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint 30
Sprint 30
  • (ahc) VLA: Sometimes this is true. Sometimes it is not true. The behavior is the same in real VLA and GBT Capabilities. Sources are being dropped from the TOM → STL.
  • (db) GBT: working
Simple partitioning, calibration strategy, and capability specific slew time and requested time calculations
Sprint 30
Sprint 30
  • (ahc) the simple partitioning appears to be working, as well as the simple calibration strategy; The time calculation isn't displaying the information correctly in the GBT capability sometimes. I haven't tested the math behind the calculation.
  • (db) GBT: RMS and requested time calculation appears to be correct in Observation Specification but not in the Science Target List

The STL contains the correct Source and Hardware Configuration name to reflect what is specified by the Capability Request + TOM

  • The Science Targets should have a Source name, which is specified by the Field Source
  • The Science Targets should have a Hardware Configuration name, which specified by the Spectral Spec

STT-707 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Edit a Observation Specification to add Scans/SubScans and can filter on an Obs Spec

  • Add Target
  • Cannot add HardwareConfiguartion

< Sprint 30Sprint 30

Observation Specification has detailed and accurate information

  • e.g., Time on Observing Targets, Scan List, Overhead

STT-442 - Getting issue details... STATUS

STT-617 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint 32

One or more Capability Requests in an Allocation Request can generate one or more Observation Specifications

VLA Capability

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus
See and Modify TOM
<Sprint 29

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

GBT Capability

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus
As an Author, I would like to delete Field Sources and Spectral Specs in a Capability Request.

STT-708 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint 30
Sprint 30 - ahc
  • (ahc) Works
DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus
Display and Modify TOM

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus

DescriptionJIRAImplementedLast WorkingTestedStatus
See a Minimal OS

STT-699 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint 30
Sprint 30 - ahc
  • (ahc) works
  • No labels