(ahc)There is a superset of elements for Field Sources but their behavior diverges between the capabilities. Notably, the fields reset themselves in the VLA and do not in the GBT
Modifying the TOM affects the Science Target List and the OS generation
(ahc)Sometimes this is true. Sometimes it is not true. The behavior is the same in real VLA and GBT Capabilities. Sources are being dropping from the TOM → STL.
Simple partitioning, calibration strategy, and capability specific slew time and requested time calculations
Sprint 30
Sprint 30 - ahc
(ahc) the simple partitioning appears to be working, as well as the simple calibration strategy; The time calculation isn't displaying the information correctly in the GBT capability sometimes. I haven't tested the math behind the calculation.
As a Product Owner, I would like the STL to contain the correct Source and Hardware Configuration name to reflect what is specified by the Capability Request + TOM
The Science Targets should have a Source name, which is specified by the Field Source
The Science Targets should have a Hardware Configuration name, which specified by the Spectral Spec