Date and Time
16:00 EDT / 14:00 MDT
Main page: VLASS SE Imaging operations
Roadmap: SE Imaging Operations Roadmap
External processing page: VLASS SE External Processing
Pipeline version of PI script:
HTCondor area: High Throughput Computing with HTCondor
Image Comparison Tool: Image Comparison
VIP Script timing info:
All tickets pertaining to VLASS SE operations should have the VLASS-SE-OPS label. Add VLASS-SE-DISCUSS label if it should be brought up in this meeting
- VLASS has decided to proceed with mosaic as the initial gridder.
Open Issues
- We need a testing schedule/plan for the transition from development through testing to operations
- Decision on whether to produce a Mosaic implementation DONE
- Pipeline available for testing (available for AWP implementation, Mosaic in progress)
- SSA PIMS workflow validated (in validation)
- SSA SE Imaging workflow ready for testing
- Pipeline validated
- Pipeline released
- SSA SE Imaging workflow validated
- Begin operations (shooting for June 1st)
- Migrate above to htcondor (before or after beginning operations ?)
- Pipeline
- Mosaic implementation
- Parameter differences compared to gridder=awproject in description of PIPE-978 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
- Mosaic implementation
- PIMS testing status
- HTCondor testing
- CASA6 bug resolved
- Beginning to investigate GPU gridder with ARDG