I list each task here and what is necessary to run them in HTCondor. I am assuming this will be running without a shared filesystem and also without access to NRAO filesystems. So any call to /lustre/aoc or /users/<username> or other such things need to be altered to be site agnostic.
Every DAG or task creates .log, .out and maybe .png files that we want to keep. Also, .last files like tclean.last are often created. These are not necessary but can be usefull for debugging things. I assume that almost all tasks require the Measurement Set (MS). I question what tasks actually modify the MS. run_tclean() defaults to using the corrected datacolumn. Does that mean it is changing this column? The reference to datacolumn is stating which column it should read from, it does not imply any change to the MS. Task07 reference savemodel='datacolumn', this actually modifies the MS.
This document it not complete. I am sure I am missing inputs and perhaps outputs as well.
In this document, "data" when referenced as an input or an output is a directory containing the Measurement Set (E.g. VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/)
How do we handle the want to start a job at a given task? For example, say a job ran to completion but you want to re-run the job after altering something in task17. It would be unfortunate to have to run tasks 1 through 16. It would be better to start and task17 and run through to the end of task25. To do this requires saving the output of each task. But how? Incremental or Differential? Using prolog and epilog scripts? Other?
The jobs are run in the working directory so any file references are relative to that.
This process doesn't need the SYSPOWER table. How can we remove it from the MS? Presumably we can just cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0 and cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0i
Does run_tclean need just the .psf directories or does it need more than that? Tclean will need all image types (suffixes) for the named image. For instance Task01 makes a set of 'iter0' images, task04 makes an 'iter1' set of images. Task 5 references both. It would be acceptable to pass images of iter0* and iter1* but in practice it only needs the PSF from both so something like iter0*.psf and iter1*.psf should work.
Is it safe to assume I don't need to transfer lockfiles like table.lock even if they have been modified?
How do we transfer input files for each DAG?
- explicity list every file/directory in transfer_input_files (it doens't grok regexps). This would be a large list . E.g.
- transfer_input_files = "working/VIP_iter0.gridwt, working/VIP_iter0.pb.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt2"
- Can transfer_input_fies take a manifest? E.g a file containing the list of files to transfer
- Make a temporary director on the submit host, and transfer that (possibly tarring it up)
- Set the inputs and outputs for both data and working as a variables in the unified DAG file. The task.sh script uses rsync to merge the various data_inputs together into one data directory and the various working_inputs together into one working directory. Then at the end, task.sh moves data to data-<dagstep> and working to working-<dagstep> and the appropriate dirs/files from these are transferred back to the submithost. The result of all this is that the data needed as an input for a step (E.g. Task08) may need to be combined from multiple places (initial data and data output from Task07)
May want to change the .log, .out and .png files so they are in ../ instead of working. This way we can do things like set transfer_input_files = working-22 without having to worry about copying log files too. But what about tclean.last and other .last files?
To Do
- write .log, .out and .png files one level up so they are not in the working directory and therefore not copied to execute hosts.
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter0', cfcache=cfcache_nowb, robust=-2.0, uvtaper='3arcsec', calcres=False )
- input: ../data
- Input: cfcache_nowb='/mnt/scratch/cfcache/cfcache_spw2-17_imsize16384_cell0.6arcsec_w32_conjT_psf_wbawp_False.cf'
- output: VIP_iter0.*
This tasks creates VIP_iter0b.* but I don't see those files ever referenced in this script again. What does this task do that is necessary to other tasks? Josh Marvil said that this is a leftover task and can be removed.
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter0b', cfcache=cfcache_nowb, calcres=False )
input: ../datainput: cfcache_nowb='/mnt/scratch/cfcache/cfcache_spw2-17_imsize16384_cell0.6arcsec_w32_conjT_psf_wbawp_False.cf'output: VIP_iter0b.*
This task doesn't parallelize and only takes tens of seconds to run. Should this be stuck on the end of task01?
Doesn't alter the MS
- input: ../data
- input: ../VLASS1Q.fits, VIP_iter0.psf.tt0
- output: mask_from_cat.crtf, VIP_QLcatmask.mask
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1', robust=-2.0, uvtaper="3arcsec" )
- input: ../data
- output: VIP_iter1.*
Doesn't alter the MS
This is just some python that deletes VIP_iter1.psf.* and copies VIP_iter0.psf.* to VIP_iter1.psf.*. It is inefficient to ever make this task be its own DAG. I suggest it always be in the same DAG as Task04. Will produce an error because *.workdirectory doesn't exist but that error is ignorable.
- input: VIP_iter0.psf.*, VIP_iter1.psf.*
- output: VIP_iter1.psf.*
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1', robust=-2.0, uvtaper="3arcsec", niter=20000, nsigma=5.0, mask="QLcatmask.mask", calcres=False, calcpsf=False )
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1.*, VIP_QLcatmask.mask
- output: VIP_iter1.*
Alters the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1', calcres=False, calcpsf=False, savemodel='modelcolumn', parallel=False )
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1.*
- output: ../data
Alters the MS
Tasks 08, 09, 10 and 11 take only minutes to run so could be combined into one DAG step.
flagdata(vis=vis, mode='rflag', datacolumn='residual_data',timedev='tdev.txt',freqdev='fdev.txt',action='calculate')
flagdata(vis=vis, mode='rflag', datacolumn='residual_data',timedev='tdev.txt',freqdev='fdev.txt',action='apply',extendflags=False)
flagdata(vis=vis, mode='extend', extendpols=True, growaround=True)
- input: ../data
- output: tdev.txt,. fdev.txt
- ouput: ../data
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/./table.f6
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/./HISTORY/table.f0
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/./HISTORY/table.lock
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/./table.f20_TSM1
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/./table.lock
- output: ../data/VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions
Alters the MS
statwt(vis=vis,combine='field,scan,state,corr',chanbin=1,timebin='1yr', datacolumn='residual_data' )
- input: ../data
- output: ../data
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/FLAG_VERSION_LIST
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.f1
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.dat
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.f0
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.lock
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.info
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms.flagversions/flags.statwt_1/table.f0_TSM1
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/table.f25_TSM1
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/table.f22_TSM1
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/table.f6
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/HISTORY/table.f0
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/HISTORY/table.lock
- VLASS1.2.sb36491855.eb36574404.58585.53016267361_split.ms/table.lock
Doesn't alter the MS
- input: ../data
- output: g.0
Alters the MS
applycal(vis=vis,calwt=False,applymode='calonly',gaintable='g.0',spwmap=18*[2], interp='nearest')
- input: ../data
- input: g.0
- output: ../data
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter0c', datacolumn='corrected', cfcache=cfcache_nowb, robust=-2.0, uvtaper='3arcsec', calcres=False )
- input: ../data
- output: VIP_iter0c.*
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter0d', datacolumn='corrected', cfcache=cfcache_nowb, calcres=False )
- input: ../data
- output: VIP_iter0d.*
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1b', datacolumn='corrected', robust=-2.0, uvtaper="3arcsec" )
- input: ../data
- output: VIP_iter1b.*
Doesn't alter the MS
This is just some python that deletes VIP_iter1b.psf.* and copies VIP_iter0c.psf.* to VIP_iter1b.psf.*. It is inefficient to ever make this task be its own DAG. I suggest it always be in the same DAG as Task14. Will produce an error because *.workdirectory doesn't exist but that error is ignorable.
- input: VIP_iter1b.psf.*, VIP_iter0c.psf.*
- output: VIP_iter1b.psf.*
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1b', datacolumn='corrected', robust=-2.0, uvtaper="3arcsec", niter=20000, nsigma=5.0, mask="QLcatmask.mask", calcres=False, calcpsf=False )
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1b.*, VIP_QLcatmask.mask
- output: inter1b
Doesn't alter the MS
imsmooth(imagename=imagename_base+"iter1b.image.tt0", major='5arcsec', minor='5arcsec', pa='0deg', outfile=imagename_base+"iter1b.image.smooth5.tt0")
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1b.image.tt0
- output: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.tt0
Doesn't alter the MS
exportfits(imagename=imagename_base+"iter1b.image.smooth5.tt0", fitsimage=imagename_base+"iter1b.image.smooth5.fits")
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.tt0
- output: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits
This needs some modification. It calls a script from Josh's homedir and runs bdsf out of /lustre. Also, I have been unable to run this task by itself. I get the following errors. I am going to combine this with tasks17, 18, 20 and 21 so it isn't an issue right now.
2020-07-29 16:13:07 SEVERE exportfits::image::tofits (file ../../tools/images/image_cmpt.cc, line 6211) Exception Reported: Exception: File VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits exists, and the user does not want to remove it..
2020-07-29 16:13:07 SEVERE exportfits::image::tofits (file ../../tools/images/image_cmpt.cc, line 6211)+ ... thrown by static void casa::ImageFactory::_checkOutfile(const casacore::String&, casacore::Bool) at File: ../../imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageFactory2.cc, line: 568
2020-07-29 16:13:07 SEVERE exportfits::::@testpost001:MPIClient An error occurred running task exportfits.
Doesn't alter the MS
subprocess.call(['/users/jmarvil/scripts/run_bdsf.py', imagename_base+'iter1b.image.smooth5.fits'],env={'PYTHONPATH':''})
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits
- input: ??
- output: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.cat.ds9.reg, VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.cat.fits, VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits.island.mask, VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits.pybdsf.log, VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits.rms, VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.fits
Doesn't alter the MS
mask_from_catalog(inext=inext,outext="secondmask.mask",catalog_fits_file=imagename_base+'iter1b.image.smooth5.cat.edited.fits', catalog_search_size=1.5)
- input: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.cat.fits
- input: VIP_iter1b.image.smooth5.cat.edited.fits
- output: secondmask.mask
Doesn't alter the MS
- input: secondmask.mask, QLcatmask.mask
- output: sum_of_masks.mask
- input: sum_of_masks.mask
- output: combined.mask
Doesn't alter the MS
As far as I can tell at this point, ../data has not changed since Task11 (applycal).
Could this run in parallel with one or more previous run_tclean calls like Task16?
run_tclean( 'iter2', datacolumn='corrected' )
- input: ../data
- output: VIP_iter2.*
Doens't alter the MS
replace_psf('iter2', 'iter0d')
This is just some python that deletes VIP_iter2.psf.* and copies VIP_iter0d.psf.* to VIP_iter2.psf.*. It is inefficient to ever make this task be its own DAG. I suggest it always be in the same DAG as Task22.
- input: VIP_iter2.psf.*, VIP_iter0d.psf.*
- output: VIP_iter2.psf.*
Doesn't alter the MS
At this point I think we are using iter2's image with iter0d's psf.
I ran this on a node with 512GB, asking for 500GB, 8 cores and using mpicasa -n 9 this task swapped. So I am restarting it with 4 cores and -n 5
run_tclean( 'iter2', datacolumn='corrected', scales=[0,5,12], nsigma=3.0, niter=20000, cycleniter=3000, mask="QLcatmask.mask", calcres=False, calcpsf=False )
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter2.*, QLcatmask.mask
- VIP_iter2.*
os.system('rm -rf *.workdirectory')
os.system('cp -r *iter2* iter2_intermediate_results')
run_tclean( 'iter2', datacolumn='corrected', scales=[0,5,12], nsigma=3.0, niter=20000, cycleniter=3000, mask="", calcres=False, calcpsf=False )
This does some file cleaning and then runs run_tclean. Where do we want to do that file cleaning? In the previous task? On the submit host?
- input: ../data
- input: VIP_iter2.*
- output: VIP_iter2.*