This work is a joint effort of SCG and ARDG to decompose imaging in small work units that can be processed as independent jobs on an HTC environment, making use of HTCondor's dagman.
Initial testing consists of running a single gridding cycle on a previously partitioned MS. Original scripts are located at:
/lustre/aoc/users/sbhatnag/11B-157/Continuum/IMAGING_CTB80/MTWBAWP/PARALLEL/HTCondor/SCRIPT_TEST | Python script that splits the input MS into smaller MSes and produces the DAG (in tclean.dag file) This also has the tclean parameters | | The Python script that sets up the SynthesisImager tool of CASA, runs the gridder on the input MS and produces images with the given basename. The input MS (via the DAG nodes) are the sub-MSes produced by |
tclean.dag | The DAG to convert sub-MSes to sub-images. Uses HTCondor script. | | The HTCondor script that uses CASA to run with the (sub-)MS and Image name. |