Descope from Wave 1:
- OUS Restores
- Implement thumbnail previews in Archive FE
- Implement weblog previews in Archive FE - Legacy Capabilities
- Download as basic MS
- Non-CASA Downloads
- Metadata ingestion
- Search Index updates
- Adapt regression tests
- VLA Restore Capability
New Scope for Wave 1
- Science Products, Ancillary Products, Associations
Approved: <Approving Authority>
Date:<Date Approved>
Consulted: <List of people consulted>
<A description of the decision process and reasoning>
Document incurred risk by one of the following options:
- No additional risk is incurred by this decision.
- This decision carries the following risk : Blah, blah, which is identified in the SRDP Risk Register as <Project Risk-ID#>
- This decision carries the following risk : Blah, blah, which is identified in the Observatory Risk Register as <Group Risk-ID#>
<A description of how the decision information needs to be distributed, use a checklist to indicate completion>