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Prep for v0.3

AD - Allocation Disposition

ATM - Available Time Model

OSD - Observation Specification Disposition

To determine what time is available for the new proposals, I first have to build an Available Time Model (ATM). The ATM needs to know about pre-commited time from previous approved proposals (e.g., multi-semester, monitoring), sponsored time, maintenance periods, tests, and then also carry-over from the previous semester. I want to be able to import files to specify this information, inspect the imported information, and modify it on the fly as I need. The ATM also depends on the weather and the hardware sometimes (e.g., VLA configuration).

  • As a scheduler I would like to define an available time model (ATM) for my facility so I know how much time is available for new Allocation Requests (ARs) to fill.
  • As a scheduler I want to import a list of proposals from past semesters so the time can be filled in the ATM.
    • As a VLA scheduler I want to know if the imported proposals are multi semester, tests, or from carry over projects in the UI so I can keep track of the different types of pre-committed time.
    • As a GBT scheduler I want to block out time for monitoring projects so I can account for pre committed time that is fixed date accurately.
  • As a scheduler I want to define maintenance periods for the facility such that the ATM will not schedule ARs in those blocks of time.
    • As a scheduler I want to define maintenance periods by LST, duration, and date.
  • As a scheduler I want the system to calculate time dependent weather coefficients so the prediction of available time is accurate.
    • As a VLA scheduler I want to set the date ranges for each unique configuration so the system can calculate the time dependent weather coefficients.
  • As a VLA scheduler I want to able to make late modifications to the date ranges easily so I don’t have to restart from scratch.
    • As a VLA scheduler I want to able to make late modifications to the date ranges for configurations easily so I don’t have to delete all of my work.
    • As a scheduler I want the modifications I make in date, etc to update the ATM accordingly.
  • As a VLA scheduler I need the ATM to know what configurations are included in the Solicitation so I can be sure to schedule the appropriate ADs.
  • As a scheduler I want the system to build the ATM.
  • As a scheduler I want to inspect the ATM at any time.
  • As a scheduler I want to modify the ATM manually at any point.

Small adjustments in the ATM or and OSD can have big consequences for the available time. As a scheduler, I explore how these changes can make an efficient schedule. As there are a lot of working parts though (many proposals, many inputs to the ATM), I like to return to previous states to assess the impact of a small adjustment. I would like to be able to save a version the schedule so I can return to it later if needed. I would like a detailed version history so I can inspect many different versions if I need to.

  • As a scheduler, I want to save different versions of the schedule and have a detailed version history, so that I can easily return to previous states to assess the impact of small adjustments in the ATM or OSD on the efficiency of the schedule.

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