one email per reviewer per change is sent out to the mailing list (tta-notifications-test)
notifications to tta member/ srp chair are blocked until Identity management system is up
The ticket says that "Conflict Reason, and updated Conflict State" should be included in email but it is currently not
right now, theres is a bulk update on conflict cerification on the front end, so there are emails for every proposal instead of just the ones that were changed.
Reviews configuration tab is available for TTA member
Review Configuration tab is accessible for non tta member. Non-TTA member can't do anything or really see anything though.
Create a Test Solicitation+Test Proposals
Sprint 46
Create a simple solicitation with hardcoded Science Categories and Hardware. The Proposal Process can be specified. The number of proposals it creates with 1 of 3 Science categories can be specified. The names and information on the proposal is randomly generated.
Author Copy is viewable and modifiable when in Draft State and Submitted if the Solicitation is Open
Observatory Copy is generated when Proposal is Submitted
Author and Observatory Copies are both viewable if
the Solicitation is Open
the Proposal State is Submitted
Can edit Author Copy after a submit if solicitation open
Can resubmit if Solicitation is open and PPR
Cannot edit Observatory Copy ever
Cannot edit or view an Author Copy when proposal is In Review
Can view only Observatory Copy when Proposal State is In Review
A Proposal with a Proposal State of Submitted should not be able to be deleted.
As TTA member:
Can edit Author Copy when the Proposal has any State (only up to In Review possible to test though).
Can Save and it persists. Should not affect Obs Copy if one exists.
Can Submit it only when call is open.
Can edit the Observatory Copy, if one exists but save applies to Author Copy only. There is no way to submit, so changes do not affect downstream (review phase) information.
Can withdraw a proposal in the Hidden State.
Withdrawn proposal still shows up in Review phase.
A Hidden proposal cannot be submitted, regardless of the Solicitation being open or not. It should be allowed to be submitted at anytime.
navigating between author and observatory copy is not intuitive
Saving changes to author copy shows a warning on the list of proposals and allows resubmission only after navigating away and then back again. The button is not always available when it should be.
Submitting a proposal works but the view of the proposal is missing afterwards and until a refresh is done.
Information in Observatory Copy is not displaying correctly or ever in OS case
Proposal State Changes
Draft → Submitted
Draft → Hidden
Submitted → Withdrawn
Submitted → In Review
In Review → Withdrawn
In Review → Completed
Hidden → Submitted (TTA only)
Not Allowed:
(Submitted, In Review, Completed, Closed) → Hidden
Hidden → Withdrawn
Sprint 42
Sprint 42
submission either goes to submitted or in review (DDT); Proposal State change to Completed is out of scope for v0.2
Withdrawing a proposal works: the author can see the Observatory Copy but not edit either it or the author copy. Cannot even access the author copy. Tooltip shows the action is not available.
can delete a proposal which causes the state to change to hidden; however, author can see the Observatory Copy!
Draft → Withdrawn is currently allowed but it should not be.
Withdraw button is only available in the edit mode of a proposal for the TTA member; it should be higher.
PPRs - Vet Proposals
Last Working
There is an interface with which to vet Science Categories
Can see the Title, Abstract, and Requested Science Category per proposal
the Vetted SC = the Requested SC at first, but it can be changed.
There is a place to record notes; they persist.
The proposal can be opened for viewing
There is a check box per proposal to indicate it has been vetted; there is a "vet all" button.
changing a SC and back again does not revert the icon
front-end not hooked to back-end so viewing proposal doesn't work
Drop down menu on available Science Categories should either be linked to Solicitations or the drop down menu on the available science categories on the vetting should be linked to the master list.
TTA Member can access vetting comments after Configuration in Finalized and forever more.
PPRs - Review Configuration
Last Working
Create SRP panels with unique names
Delete SRP Panels
Associate panels with 1 or more Science Categories (edge cases)
Assign 1 or more SRP Chairs
Assign multiple SRP Members to panel
Auto bulk assign proposals to panels based on SC
Manually assign proposals to panels
Feasibility groups (back burner)
Assign independent science review to a member of a different SRP
Upload and use a configuration file
Filtering on Panels/proposals
Should not be able to assign the same person to multiple panels
Should be able to select multiple chairs (currently can only do one)
Want a reviewer focused display
Icon on number of proposals assigned to panel needs updating.
Drop down menu on available Science Categories should either be linked to Solicitations or the drop down menu on the available science categories on the vetting should be linked to the master list.
The Finalize button is available when all proposals are vetted and SC are assigned but I can use it before the close of a Solicitation.
Finalize button gives an error but seems to work
The finalize button is available before the Solicitation is Closed. It would be nice it were there but grayed out. Eventually with a tooltip that states the condition necessary for it to work.
If the Solicitation isn't Closed, I can see the Configured Review Panels in the Reviews tab, but the Assignment page does not populate.
No confirmation on Finalization
Error messaging should be more robust here.
Configuration and Vetting is available prior to the close of a Solicitation
Currently if you open a Solicitation and then go to reviews (without closing the Solicitation), you cannot see the Solicitation at all. If you hit refresh, then you can configure the review.
Can update Conflict state and Certify (preferrable that it is done after user certifies)
ISRs are not affected downstream yet.
Last Working
SRP Reviewer
See list of proposals (after conflict certification)
Review Type is displayed
Default is None; otherwise P,S,T
Review State is displayed
default is Blank; otherwise Saved, Completed, Finalized, Closed
Conflict State is displayed
If not Conflicted, have an ISR in which to enter comments and a score and see the proposal
can Save (Review State → Saved) per ISR
validate if score not equal to 0; otherwise it cannot save
does not validate comments
can Complete (Review State → Completed) per ISR
can Finalize (bulk action) if any ISRs with Review not equal to None are not Closed or Finalized
If Conflicted, only see title, abstract, proposal ID and cannot enter any information
All comments and scores are saved (though not propagated to consensus; see later)
Normalized Individual Scores are calculated on Finalize
Edge cases to test:
If an external proposal is added after reviewer has finalized, they should be able to review and finalize that one proposal (finalize is still bulk in theory)
If consensus has started for their panel, the Finalized Normalized Individual Score in that panel may be inconsistent with their new Noramlized Individual Score (since it has the extra proposal). This is acceptable.
Can enter comments for PI, Technical, Data Management + an internal for each
Needs to be Binary
Can Save
Can Finalize which "dangles" but next step is out of scope. It does change the review state to Finalized, as expected. Proposal State doesn't change yet (not in scope).
Hard to tell which proposals have been reviewed.
Score needs to be binary
Version 0.3 Outline
Last Working
Scheduler (during ISRs)
Source Conflicts
Scheduler (post Consensus)
Construct Preliminary Allocation Dispositions (priorities and time)
Update/Test a solicitation when a different one is Open and has submitted proposals
Solicitation Tab
Sprint 37.3
Sprint 37.3
Only available to TTA Member
Last Working
As an Author, I would like to view my proposals.
in a list
in a detailed view (Card)
<Sprint 29
Sprint 37
Sprint 37
Saving within a CR
Capability Requests have their own save button. Though information looks like it is kept on the frontend, it is not in the backend without hitting save.
Change CR1 → don't save → navigate to CR2, change CR2 → save
Only changes to CR2 are kept
CR1 changes are not saved
Change CR1 → don't save → navigate to CR2, change CR2 → don't save → navigate to CR2 (changes are still present in front end) → save
Changes to CR1 are persisted
Changes to CR2 are not persisted
A refresh without hitting save does not persist work