
  • Prep for ASTRON meeting
  • Finalized Face-to-Face Prep
    • Mock Review
    • Submission Use Case
      • Should Proposals with a Proposal State of DRAFT be still viewable by members of the TTA team? From Jeff's email:

        •  Accommodates weird cases that missed the deadline.

          If we want to support an administrative interface that does this then I think there are two possible implementations:

          1. TTA Members can still see the draft version and are able to mark it as submitted after the deadline, at this point the state changes to In Review, the Working copy is duplicated to the RO Copy, and a Proposal ID is generated.

          2. If we specify that at the close of the solicitation those projects in the Draft state have their working copy duplicated to the Read Only but with the state unchanged.  Then the operation is to change the state to in review and add a Proposal ID.

          I think there is actually a bit of a simplification in the second case in that as part of the vetting process the TTA members need to be able to modify the RO version, in scenario 2 the software is a bit simpler in that the TTA members are always working with the RO Version which I suspect simplifies the software.  Sorry for re-litigating this but as I was thinking about slide 16 I realized a possible advantage.

      • In System Description, Section 2.2 point #4 on page 15 says "It shall be possible, with best efforts, to create a new draft from a proposal in the WITHDRAWN or COMPLETED state." We talked about this at the last meeting and I believe we landed on the opposite conclusion.
  • UI Feedback for Sprint 37: Feedback Page

Open Actions:

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • draft requirements for TTA Tools and discuss with group Allison Costa 
Allison Costa2025-01-10 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Schedule a meeting with Joe, Patrick, Dane, Stephan, Jeff, TTAT group in Feb Allison Costa 
Allison Costa2025-01-10 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Contact Patrick Brandt about interfacing with RCT_2 and developing hardware configuration algorithms for VLA Allison Costa 
Allison Costa2025-01-10 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Contact Dane Sizemore for interfacing with GBO's sensitivity calculator, Mapping calculator, Hardware Mapping Allison Costa 
Allison Costa2025-01-10 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Talk to Robert M about EVN and inspect EVN to understand how to interface with
2025-01-10 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Discussion on F2F parking lot items
2022-09-02 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Establish who is Telescope Subsystem Scientist for GBT & VLBA.
2021-12-17 TTA Requirements Meeting

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