2022-04-27 Deployment

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4.1.1bano, but needs indexingAll of 4.1.1

2021-09-21 Deployment

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2021-03-11 Deployment

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2021-01-28 Deployment

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2021-01-14 Deployment

2021-01-11 Deployment

2020-12-01 Deployment


2020-11-18 Deployment


2020-10-22 Deployment


2020-10-16 Deployment


2020-10-06 Deployment + RHEL7 changes. No new features or bug fixes.

2020-09-22 Deployment

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2020-08-20 Deployment

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2020-08-05 Deployment

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2020-07-07 Deployment

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2020-06-22 Deployment

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2020-05-01 Deployment

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SSA-6080 VLASS calibration ingestion

SSA-6305 Location services (Engineering Task)

SSA-6279 Project update script

2020-04-16 Deployment

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SSA-6080 VLASS calibration ingestion

VLBA import fixes

S-code project update script for DAs

2020-04-01 Deployment

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SSA-5966 Data Quality Notes

2020-03-20 Deployment

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Fixes for DA tools, SSA-6243, SSA-6199

2020-02-12 Deployment

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New DA Tools. CIPL weblog untarring

2020-01-21 Deployment

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New DA Tools, Platform for Quicklook & VLBA ingestion infrastructure


This is the initial testing release of 3.8.0, meant to provide tools to reduce the need for the use of the Legacy Archive.  This release is also to facilitate heavier testing of the VLBA reingestion infrastructure updates, as well as ingestion of metadata for the cached Quicklook images from the Pilot and 1.2 epochs of VLASS. 

Known Issues

  • No changes have been made with regard to the handling of weblogs for CIPL & AUDI
  • Reprocessing of CIPL & AUDI runs still require the hand-removal of the error lines in order to proceed.

JIRA Notes

Engineering Task

  • [SSA-5787] - Migrate developer documentation from Confluence to sphinx
  • [SSA-6069] - Unify python version handling


  • [SSA-5957] - Can Show Proprietary Status of Project in Both Archives
  • [SSA-5958] - Can Lock/Unlock Non-ALMA Project in AAT/PPI
  • [SSA-5961] - Provide a Utility for Fixing Merged Accounts
  • [SSA-5963] - Can Set Title/Abstract on S-Code Projects
  • [SSA-5964] - Can Set PI/Authors on S-Code Projects
  • [SSA-5965] - Changes to S-Code Project Trigger Re-Index
  • [SSA-6085] - Display release number in FE


  • [SSA-5887] - Faultchecker missed some ebs in mcaf/workspace but not in parallel-prod
  • [SSA-5956] - VLBA Reingestion Results in Open Connections on the Messaging Bug: Fix Before Continuing to Reingest
  • [SSA-6073] - Checking User-Specified Directories

2019-08-14 Deployment

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Product system, ALMA Optimized Imaging capability


This is the initial testing release of 3.7.0, meant to support the product system, ALMA Optimized Imaging capability and ingestion of collections for realfast and VLASS. There are many new features to test, but be aware there were changes to the request handler to support the product system, so testing authentication and authorization of public and private data is critical, along with testing all of the delivery permutations that worked in the last release (with tar, without tar, local delivery, standard delivery, basic MS, CMS and so on).

Known Issues

  • Ingestion of calibrations and images is still being worked on and shouldn't be attempted right now, we are testing ingestion of execution blocks (VLA, VLBA and ALMA).

JIRA Notes


  • [SSA-5599] - Scripted QA system, preliminary support

Research Request

  • [SSA-5483] - SPW idenification must be passed to PPR for ALMA Optimized Imaging

Engineering Task

  • [SSA-5332] - Design Product Locators
  • [SSA-5343] - Update Ingestion Workflows for Product Groups
  • [SSA-5393] - Implement QA Pass/image ingestion
  • [SSA-5507] - Add query for Spectral Window information to Optimized Imaging PPR generation.
  • [SSA-5524] - Harvest additional required data to facilitate Optimized Imaging
  • [SSA-5548] - Create views to simplify using the product system
  • [SSA-5581] - Split Reingestion 'unstick' utility
  • [SSA-5619] - Create an AOI Reprocessing Prep Task
  • [SSA-5625] - Remove hard coded capo-profile strings from the back end code
  • [SSA-5651] - Create utility for handling imaging metadata
  • [SSA-5661] - Rewrite the reprocessing utilties for the new design
  • [SSA-5666] - Further Issues with Schedblock Names
  • [SSA-5688] - Re-ingest VLASS images for new schema
  • [SSA-5770] - VLBA ingestion failing on new db schema for external names
  • [SSA-5771] - Update mr_books for product system
  • [SSA-5773] - Modify VLA ingestion for external name schema changes


  • [SSA-4708] - Encapsulate weblog access in Weblog class
  • [SSA-5312] - Add Restore-To-Cache functionality to Vlass Workflow Server
  • [SSA-5335] - Modify ingestion for new product schema
  • [SSA-5339] - Data Fetcher and Product Locator
  • [SSA-5341] - Index and Product Locator
  • [SSA-5344] - Front End Modifications for Product Locators
  • [SSA-5414] - Session state storage and cueing user to active filters.
  • [SSA-5482] - SRDP Optimized imaging PPR should put field names with special characters inside double quotes
  • [SSA-5535] - Dialog box for 'Download Restored MS' should display a time estimate
  • [SSA-5536] - Declination field does not allow colons in coordinates
  • [SSA-5545] - Receiver bands 'Subband:XX' should correspond to VLA bands
  • [SSA-5546] - Alter band selection dialog box so show all options at once and sort by frequency
  • [SSA-5554] - Enable selecting multiple ALMA MOUS restores
  • [SSA-5555] - Enable Science target-only download for ALMA MOUS restores
  • [SSA-5563] - Add restore time estimate to VLA Restores
  • [SSA-5583] - Display unique Science Product Locators for VLBA (execution block - project + segment)
  • [SSA-5602] - Generalize Email Task
  • [SSA-5633] - Create Alma reprocessing Workflow & CLI
  • [SSA-5645] - ALMA cube imaging jobs should be sent to the cluster with 8-way parallelization
  • [SSA-5687] - Archive GUI deployment cleanup
  • [SSA-5692] - Provide collected Field values for preparatory pipeline steps
  • [SSA-5698] - MotD to client X
  • [SSA-5702] - Add AOI data mining to ingestion of ALMA calibrations


  • [SSA-5516] - Upgrade Pika to 1.0.0
  • [SSA-5544] - Prevent multiple ingestion of ALMA calibrations
  • [SSA-5551] - Error in log extraction for CIPL
  • [SSA-5553] - Opening archive-test retains search selection between sessions
  • [SSA-5566] - MS caching files for VLASS during calibration ingestion
  • [SSA-5589] - Fix Spinner hiccups
  • [SSA-5626] - EBs with missing band codes
  • [SSA-5639] - Widgets for clearing search filters
  • [SSA-5642] - Fix ALMA observations not showing any cals.
  • [SSA-5647] - Reindex argument generation incomplete
  • [SSA-5695] - Handle image core changes for product locators
  • [SSA-5700] - Revisite cal mapping to ebs
  • [SSA-5735] - Revert change to stage_products handling
  • [SSA-5744] - mous view broken
  • [SSA-5750] - Fix broken service endpoint for getting an ebs full details.
  • [SSA-5762] - Alma Calibration Retrieval Logging & Error handling


  • [SSA-5584] - Ingestion manifests for product groups
  • [SSA-5736] - Modify EVLA SDM Ingestion for Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5737] - Modify ALMA SDM Ingestion for Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5738] - Modify EVLA Calibration Ingestion for Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5739] - Modify ALMA Calibration Ingestion for Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5741] - Modify VLASS Quicklook Image Ingestion for Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5742] - Add Alma Optimized Imaging Using Ingestion Manifest
  • [SSA-5778] - Manifest migration for VLASS Quicklook ingestion
  • [SSA-5779] - Collection Metadata Gathering Utilities

2019-05-22 Deployment

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pre-3.6.1yesQA script modifications for VLA Calibration


Pre-release of 3.6.1 meant to for testing modifications to the QA scripts.

JIRA Notes


  • [SSA-5599] - Scripted QA system, preliminary support


  • [SSA-5562] - In project view for VLA and ALMA newest EBs should be shown first, oldest last
  • [SSA-5592] - CASA Versions for Testing
  • [SSA-5595] - Alter description of download options for VLA and ALMA data
  • [SSA-5596] - Default option for data downloads should be 'create tar file'
  • [SSA-5600] - Don't Overwrite Older PPRs


  • [SSA-5560] - ALMA SDMs can be downloaded for projects that have not yet been delivered
  • [SSA-5576] - Ingestion of cal tables has a wrongly-named variable

  • No labels