The scans table is part of the science data structure designed for the EVLA.  each scan is attached to an execution block, and contains one or more subscans.


                                          Table "public.scans"
       Column       |       Type        | Collation | Nullable |                Default
 scan_id            | integer           |           | not null | nextval('scans_scan_id_seq'::regclass)
 ost_scan_id        | integer           |           |          |
 execution_block_id | integer           |           | not null |
 filegroup_id       | integer           |           | not null |
 max_bandwidth      | double precision  |           | not null |
 min_bandwidth      | double precision  |           | not null |
 polarization_code  | integer           |           | not null |
 max_frequency      | double precision  |           | not null |
 min_frequency      | double precision  |           | not null |
 filename           | character varying |           |          |
    "scan_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (scan_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "execution_blocks_scans_fk" FOREIGN KEY (execution_block_id) REFERENCES execution_blocks(execution_block_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
    "filegroups_scans_fk" FOREIGN KEY (filegroup_id) REFERENCES filegroups(filegroup_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Referenced by:
    TABLE "subscans" CONSTRAINT "scans_subscans_fk" FOREIGN KEY (scan_id) REFERENCES scans(scan_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE


scan_id: an auto-generated id to uniquely identify the scan.

ost_scan_id: the san id listed in the Observation Scheduling Tool, if available.

execution_block_id: the id of the execution block that the scan is attached to.  See execution_blocks table.

filegroup_id: the id of the filegroup that is attached to this scan.  Depending on the telescope, this may be the same as the filegroup for the execution block, or a child of that filegroup.

max_bandwidth: the maximum bandwidth of observations in this scan.

min_bandwidth: the minimum bandwidth of observations in this scan.

polarization_code: a numeric code indicating the polarizations used in this scan. See Polarizations for details.

max_frequency: the maximum frequency of observations in this scan.

min_frequency: the minimum frequency of observations in this scan.

filename: used only in the ingestion of VLBA data from the old archive.

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