Tracks user download requests coming from the new archive UI


         Column         |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
 request_id             | numeric                     |           | not null |
 account_id             | numeric                     |           | not null |
 request_state          | character varying           |           | not null |
 creation_date          | timestamp without time zone |           | not null |
 request_description    | character varying           |           |          |
 delivery_method_type   | character varying           |           |          |
 delivery_media_type    | character varying           |           |          |
 delivery_media_address | character varying           |           |          |
 completion_date        | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 priority_code          | numeric                     |           | not null |
 ds_file_size           | numeric                     |           |          |
 aux_file_size          | numeric                     |           |          |
 total_files_number     | numeric                     |           |          |
 total_processes_number | numeric                     |           |          |
 notification_email     | character varying           |           |          |
 archive_id             | numeric                     |           |          |
    "rh_requests_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (request_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk_archive" FOREIGN KEY (archive_id) REFERENCES archive(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "rh_processes" CONSTRAINT "fk_rh_proce_rh_proces_rh_reque" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES rh_requests(request_id)
    TABLE "rh_data_entities" CONSTRAINT "rh_fk_request_id_data_entities" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES rh_requests(request_id)
    TABLE "rh_files" CONSTRAINT "rh_fk_request_id_files" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES rh_requests(request_id)
    TABLE "rh_request_parameters" CONSTRAINT "rh_fk_request_id_params" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES rh_requests(request_id)
    TABLE "rh_requests_mediums" CONSTRAINT "rh_requests_mediums_request_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES rh_requests(request_id)


request_id: primary key, auto-generated from the log_sequence sequence

account_id: RH user account associated with the request. (An anonymous user exists for anonymous requests.)

request_state: most recent state of request. Values are restricted to those of the RequestState Java enum: SUBMITTED, INPROGRESS, COMPLETE, ERROR.

creation_date: request creation timestamp

request_description: description of the download request as entered in the UI; e.g., "VLA download request for 17B-197.sb34255030.eb34367865.58005.260747858796" or "Fetch cal for 18A-299.sb35257747.eb35343159.58224.629672627314."

delivery_method_type: always MEDIA

delivery_media_type: always WEB

delivery_media_address: always -

completion_date: not populated

priority_code: always 3

ds_file_size: total dataset file size

aux_file_size: size of data entity's auxiliary files

total_files_number: number of files delivered

total_processes_number: number of processes associated with request (thus far always 1)

notification_email: requester's email address. Required by UI.

archive_id: foreign key into archive table

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