Lookup table containing types of commands issued for user-initiated AAT/PPI requests (i.e., those that come through the new archive UI)


     Column      |       Type        | Collation | Nullable | Default
 command_id      | numeric           |           | not null |
 name            | character varying |           | not null |
 arguments       | character varying |           |          |
 description     | character varying |           |          |
 host            | character varying |           |          |
 script          | character varying |           | not null |
 staging_area    | character varying |           |          |
 execution_level | character varying |           | not null |
    "rh_commands_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (command_id)
    "rh_commands_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "rh_processes" CONSTRAINT "rh_processes_command_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (command_id) REFERENCES rh_commands(command_id)


command_id: primary key

name: requestCommand value from the UI. values: runRestoreWorkflow, startAlmaWorkflow, startVlaPPIWorkflow

arguments: arguments to script associated with command; not populated presently

description: command description

host: not populated

script: name of shell script associated with request

staging_area: not populated

execution_level: always REQUEST

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