a listing of the allowed values for the calibration_status field of the execution_blocks table.


   Column    |       Type        | Collation | Nullable | Default
 status      | character varying |           | not null |
 description | character varying |           | not null |
    "calibration_status_values_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (status)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "execution_blocks" CONSTRAINT "calibration_status_fk" FOREIGN KEY (calibration_status) REFERENCES calibration_status_values(status)


status: the short description of the status.

description: a longer description of the status.


the current values:

      status      |                       description
 Unknown          | The default start state
 Not Ready        | Not yet ready to calibrate, but should be soon
 Ready            | Ready to calibrate
 Calibrating      | The calibration is being processed or is waiting for QA
 Do Not Calibrate | This observation should not be calibrated
 Calibrated       | The calibration is complete and available

  • No labels