


  • The purpose of the working group is to chart the path towards standardizing our NGAS installs and adopting the newer version of NGAS.


  • NGAS node  - a machine running one or more NGAS daemons
  • NGAS daemon  - an NGAS service running on a node, takes http  commands by listening on a port
  • NGAS cluster  - a group of NGAS nodes  tied together by a single relational database, can be in different data centers

Discussion items

05mStatus of the hybrid cluster experiment
10mReview of host naming conventionAlejandro Barrientos 
10mStatus of partitioning discussionStephan Witz 
10mStatus of hardware change question
10mMultiple daemons/node questionStephan Witz 

Revised NGAS server naming schema proposal. Max host name could be up to 128 characters. Testing would need to be done to make sure functionalities work with long host names.


Use lowercase and dashes

    - naasc: North American ALMA Science Center

    - non-naasc: Charlottesville non-naasc ngas.

    - dsoc: New Mexico

    - gbo: Green Bank Observatory

Non NRAO Sites (should we want to invite other sites that use ngas):

    - jao: Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile)

    - eso: European Southern Observatory (Germany)

    - naoj: National Astronomy Observatory (Japan)

    - prod: Production

    - test: Test

    - dev: Development

    - mirror: Mirror

001 onwards7777 onwards

naasc-ngas-prod-001:7777 - NAASC Ngas Production 001, port 7777 (first one)
non-naasc-ngas-test-001:7780 - Charlottesville NGAS Test 001, port 7780 (fourth one)

Action items

  • SIS to upgrade to NGAS 11 or 12
  • SSA to migrate database from 4 to 12
  • SIS to standardize where possible on hardware specs
  • Stephan Witz to revise partitioning document
  • Those folks who can't edit confluence should submit tickets