New Features


  • Pimscache split now runs for test and pilot observations
  • VLASS Manager now links SECI images to their related Quicklook image
  • Cube planes flagged as bad by the pipeline are now automatically excluded from QA and archiving
  • Coarse Cube caching
  • Coarse Cube archive ingestion
  • Tiles and planes lists are now sorted in observed order for Accept & Archive actions when visible
  • Updates to QA workflow scripts

  • fixes for error handling when required files are missing on workflow submission
  • fixes for handling WS message driven state updates


  • Pimscache improvements for specific ms linking, empty directory removal, and ability to specify multiple specific tiles
  • Weblog access improvements
  • Pimscache split will now run automatically when the 'Allow Automatic PIMs' setting is turned on
  • New setting for turning off automatic PIMs deletion on SECI image caching
  • VLASS SECC workflow improvements
  • New flagging template available for all imaging workflows


  • Workflow progress visibility for Workspaces workflows
  • Ability to automatically submit Quicklook Imaging on PIMSplit completion
  • Notifications to VLASS DAs on PIMSplit completion
  • Ability to use SqDeg and SqDeg2 tiles for all VLASS workflows


  • Course Cube QA interface
  • Coarse Cube Image Caching


  • Full Coarse Cube support
  • Quicklook Imaging using PIMS
  • Additions to SECI ingestion
  • Conversion of all workflows except calibration ingestion from Torque to HTCondor: including Quicklook, Calibration, Pimscache Split, Image Caching, and complete conversion of SECI
  • Creation of Epoch 3 tiles and products

Known Issues


  • A&A SECI Image Caching sometimes fails with intermittent cp errors. 

Release 2.4.4 - 2025.02.27


  • [WS-3106] - Update in SSA workflow


  • [WS-2380] - As a DA I would like cube images that have been flagged by the pipeline as poor to be excluded from the checklist of cubes to archive by default
  • [WS-2507] - As a DA, I would like to be able to run pimscache for a test observation
  • [WS-2755] - As a DA, I would like to be able to ingest a VLASS SE cube into the archive
  • [WS-2756] - As a DA, I would like to be able to cache a VLASS SE cube
  • [WS-2901] - VlassMgr: request button/link to QL version of an SECI image
  • [WS-2903] - List of VLASS tiles to (de-)select for PIMS upon calibration A&A should be in observed order

Release - 2024.06.18


  • [WS-2437] - Refinement of VlassManager amqp message handling
  • [WS-2440] - Missing expected file doesn't communicate failure to manager

Release 2.4.3 - 2024.05.02


  • [WS-1409] - As VLASS Operations Manager, whenever a tile is calibrated for QuickLook and Accepted and Archived, it should automatically be split into per-image measurement sets
  • [WS-1574] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like a setting to turn on/off auto deletion of PIMS after SECI/SECC imaging
  • [WS-1575] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like to be able to specify what tiles to run PIMSCache on when Accepting and Archiving a Calibration
  • [WS-1972] - As a DA, I'd like pimscache to work with changes to the cache directories
  • [WS-1975] - As a DA working on VLASS, I would like to be able to create a flagging template for imaging pipeline jobs in a similar way to calibration jobs
  • [WS-2142] - VLASS manager links weblogs away from weblog front page.
  • [WS-2247] - As a developer, I'd like pimscache split to accept multiple tile arguments so that I can implement tile-specific auto-PIMS-split

Release 2.4.2 - 2023.06.07


  • [WS-1372] - As an operations manager, I want to retain workflow progress visibility for converted AAT and VLASS workflows
  • [WS-1577] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like the Quicklook imaging to start after PIMSCache has completed for a Tile
  • [WS-1700] - Allow pimscache to work with tiles SqDeg and SqDeg2

Release 2.4.1 - 2023.03.30

Engineering Task

  • [SSA-7742] - Change memory request for VLASS QL image jobs


  • [SSA-7677] - WS Support: Add Cube Plane QA to Manager UI
  • [SSA-7678] - WS Support: Add weblog scrapping utility to retrieve plane data

Release 2.4.0 - 2022.01.05

Engineering Task

  • [SSA-7561] - WS Support: Quicklook Job Metadata update for PIMS
  • [SSA-7567] - WS Support: VLASS side updates for a mostly-WS quicklook workflow
  • [SSA-7595] - WS Support: CCIP parameter file transfer
  • [SSA-7632] - WS Support: VLASS Changes for a mostly WS Calibration Workflow
  • [SSA-7633] - WS Support: Rework Pimscache to setup for and submit to WS
  • [SSA-7639] - WS Support: Update pimscache cp for HTC mindset
  • [SSA-7640] - WS Support: Update image caching to utilize workspaces
  • [SSA-7648] - WS Support: More WS responsibility for Cubes


  • [SSA-7634] - WS Support: Capoization of remote job execution
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