~30 applications with cover letters received, Amy attending careers fairs at NMTech and NMSt.
Possibility of cross-training DAs between sites.
OK for now, ML will check in with Ed when he starts in Cville.
Project Management
RADIAL update
Science Ready Data Products
SRDP to operations transition plan.
acceptance criteria for each capability negotiated with ops teams?
ML will write 1-2 page doc with where we are relative to the wave planning & what might be needed to move from project to Ops.
RHEL-8 conversions in Socorro:
we may need to fully switch to workspaces sooner than expected. Number of simultaneous jobs may be an issue, need to discuss with DAs and SSA to perhaps change the limit.
SSA will start looking into upgrading NGAS to allow more threads but timescale would be ~ months.
Observing going well apart from a few failed EBs due to weather. QL calibration and imaging under way.
Polarization cube demo release being prepared.
AAS ABQ 4th-8th June, special session and workshop deadline 31st Jan, looks like SSG is leaning towards a splinter session, which has a later deadline (TBD).
Splinter for ABQ OK. Plan to have a special session in New Orleans once we have more SE products out, which can form the basis of the special issue.