Attendees | Regrets | Notified |
- Program Administration
- Science Ready Data Products
- Testing of cal+img underway
- Pipeline test version by 19th
- QA-related pipeline requests in the "no flagging" era
- Large image/cube mitigation. PIPE-2452 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Planning for VLASS-II
- Now have Texas TACC account set up.
- Laura will set up meeting to discuss DMS involvement in TACC testing.
- VLASS-II priorities:
- Validate pipeline for 1" cubes wit tapering (SECC)
- Validate and profile hpgawp (GPU) pipeline locally (L4s)
- Rui has ticket to put into pipeline
- Get awphpg running on different GPUs
- VLASS manager changes/data origin setup.
- K Scott has "read only" version running, need to get products back.
- 30 GPUs arrived, asked K Scott to install 3-4 for testing.
- ML to request 1 year increase to projects space for VLASS-II dev.
- Now have Texas TACC account set up.
- Ep3 QL catalog - ask Dillon
- New Ep1+2 catalog for SECI masks - ML to email location to Juergen
- Calibrator uv ranges
- Planning for VLASS-II