New Features
- Bug fix for HTCondor submit host IP address post production server upgrade
- Bug fix for PI email sending bug
- Bug fix for version creation UI issues
- Workflow persistence and recovery for unexpected restarts and deployments
- Various UI improvements
- Basic implementation of VLASS SE Cubes
- Proper implementation of automatic calibration
- Implementation of Two Stage QA for standard calibrations and images
- User notification improvementsÂ
- Weblog access improvements
- Ancillary product access via workspaces
- Automatic directory cleanup after 60 days
Known Issues
WS Known Issues Page
Release 2.5.3 - 2022.10.19
- [WS-1274] - Production HTCondor submit configuration using wrong IP address
Release 2.5.2 - 2022.10.13
- [WS-1255] - Emails are not sending to users, still received by analyst list
Release 2.5.1 - 2022.09.27
- [WS-1214] - Bug found in file editor component
Release 2.5.0 - 2022.09.06
Research Request
- [WS-905] - As a product owner I would like to see a study of Identity and Access management perfomed
- [WS-966] - As a Developer/Product Owner, I want to know how HTCondor jobs can be reacquired on container restart so they aren't killed by the cluster
- [WS-925] - As an operations manager, I would like the Auto-Calibration to work
- [WS-954] - As a DA, I would like the "view in CARTA" button to be present at the Waiting for QA stage
- [WS-982] - As a DA I want to have the Do Not Calibrate Flag set separately from the QA Fail workflow
- [WS-984] - WS Annihilator needs some bugs addressed
- [WS-998] - As a product owner, I want aborted workflow messages handled by the state machine
- [WS-1041] - As a product owner, I would like WS ingestion to properly inform the AAT on completion.
- [WS-957] - As a product owner, I want the manual creation of requests moved outside of the ingestion-triggered cal code in the archive-service
- [WS-964] - As a DA I would like new user provided files (flag files, PPRs etc) to overwrite older ones
- [WS-981] - As an operations manager I need the SE continuum products archived so that the Cube workflow can be run
- [WS-1046] - Answer the remaining questions on the IAM Prototyping page
- [WS-157] - As an user I would like to see a version label at the bottom of the UI
- [WS-211] - As a DA I want to notify an AOD that a calibration data set is ready for review
- [WS-224] - As a DA I want to be notified when an imaging product is available for QA
- [WS-226] - As a DA I want to notify an AOD that imaging products are ready for review
- [WS-292] - As a DA I want to be able to view and edit qa_notes.html (external notes) through-the-web (a file located in the weblog)
- [WS-702] - As an operations manager, I would like to add/remove DAs and AODs from the "available" list easily
- [WS-708] - As a DA/AOD I would like to be able to filter jobs by state, DA assigned, AOD assigned, date observed, SRDP status
- [WS-709] - As a DA/AOD I would like to be able to sort jobs by date observed
- [WS-710] - As a product owner, I want template files generated at the capability layer
- [WS-715] - As an operations manager, I would like to be able to see a report showing the number of datasets archived between two dates by capability, band, date observed, date archived, SRDP status, DA assigned, AOD assigned
- [WS-742] - As a DA, I would like to be able to edit job parameter files (PPR, flagging, continuum ranges) in the interface (similar to the VLASS mgr)
- [WS-743] - As a DA, I would like to be able cancel a running workflow through the UI
- [WS-784] - As a DA I would like documentation on how to run the calibration and imaging capabilities in the UI
- [WS-867] - As a data analyst, I want to be able to provide notes on a version that can be seen only by other DAs and AODs on any execution
- [WS-869] - As a data analyst, when I create a new version, the internal notes will be prepopulated with the content from the immediately previous version
- [WS-870] - As a product owner, I want automatic cleanup of generated products
- [WS-890] - As an operations manager I would like to have different notification email templates sent depending on whether or not a request is part of SRDP
- [WS-891] - As an operations manager I would like to be able to edit the notification email template texts easily
- [WS-904] - As a product owner I would like calibration restoration for VLASS to include the pointing correction
- [WS-922] - As a DA, I would like a link back from the request pages to the active-requests page
- [WS-923] - As a product owner, I would like VLASS EBs to be filtered out of the active requests lists
- [WS-924] - As a DA, I would like to see the observation dates display improved in the active-requests list (and the end time removed)
- [WS-926] - As a DA I would like extraneous text removed from the request pages
- [WS-928] - As a DA, I would like to see the directory path to the job on the requests page and be able to copy/paste it
- [WS-929] - As product owner, I would like the browser tab for the WS interface fixed.
- [WS-930] - As a product owner I would like the archive banner and links removed from the WS pages
- [WS-936] - As a DA, I would like to see delimiters in the bands list
- [WS-952] - As an operations manager, I would like to remove defunct requests from the active-requests page
- [WS-953] - As a DA I would like to see metadata for the CMS_imaging requests on the active-requests page
- [WS-958] - As a VLASS DA I would like a relocateable workflow for VLASS coarse cubes
- [WS-959] - As a VLASS DA, I want cube imaging jobs to be started by the VLASS manager
- [WS-960] - As the operations manager I want to be sure that the state of the cube workflow is correctly displayed in the VLASS Manager.
- [WS-961] - As a VLASS DA I want to easily log into and see the executing cube job's logs based on the information I have available in the VLASS Manager.
- [WS-963] - As a VLASS DA, I want to return the HTCondor job id from wf_inspector
- [WS-983] - As the operations manager I want to be sure workflows are tracked properly after restarts
- [WS-1001] - As a product owner I would like the version parameters and file editing restrictions enforced
- [WS-1029] - As an operations manager I need to specify how much disk space a job can use
- [WS-1044] - As an ops manager, I would like the PIMS deleted automatically
- [WS-1045] - If the PIMS is not found in cache, set the version to Error in VLASS Manager
- [WS-1060] - As a DA, I would like date/time stamps automatically inserted into the DA notes for each version
- [WS-1062] - As a DA, I would like a link from the image request back to the corresponding calibration request
- [WS-1064] - As a system architect, I want to a prototype of the IAM solution that validates our plan
- [WS-1090] - As an operations manager, the cube catalog generation script needs to run after the CASA session has completed
- [WS-1091] - As a DA, I would like the execution ID from the VLASS manager to be cached and archived for provenance
- [WS-1092] - As a DA, I would like to have the residual image available for viewing in CARTA
- [WS-1093] - As a DA, I do not want to receive emails for CARTA session that I did not start
- [WS-1111] - As a DA, I need images to be uniquely named to allow ingest of products from repeated SBs
- [WS-1133] - As an Operations Manager, an image annotation script should be run for coarse cubes after CASA has completed
- [WS-1188] - As a DA, I would like to see the weblog from a failed run
{"serverDuration": 62, "requestCorrelationId": "639ba7e872e6f27e"}