New Features
- Implementation of Combined Calibration And Imaging Capability and Workflow
- Implementation of the Automated Processing System controls for setting default auto-processing capability and auto-submit state as needed.
- New state machine to handle QA partial pass for Combined Calibration and Imaging requests
- Implementation of the project details display on WS request status pages
- Ingestion of spectral cubes
- Weblogs are now served from the cache area if the original processing directory has already been removed
- The Workspaces Test system is now clearly labeled and identifiable
- Fixes a bug where quotation marks were not rendered correctly for some emails
- Fixes a bug where new versions were not reusing the first version's available rawdata
- Fixes a bug where cluster aborted requests were not sending the DAs failure emails
- Infrastructure changes for upgrading HTCondor10 to HTCondor23
- Support work for caching and ingesting VLASS SE Coarse Cubes
- WS Annihilator now cleans the VLASS SE Coarse Cube cache area
- WS CARTA workflow support for VLASS SE Coarse Cubes
- WS Download workflow support for VLASS SE Coarse Cubes
- Fixes a bug where PI names with special characters cause Restores to fail
- Fixes for restore user email propagation to workspaces system
- Fixes for sending restore failure notifications to the analyst lists
- Fixes to the DA spelunker utility
- Full implementation of Calibrated Measurement Set Restores for EVLA and ALMA data
- Delivery improvements for CMS restores
- Improvements to the CASA Matrix to enable dynamic building of PPRs based on specific CASA version recipes
- Improvements to file ingestion staging to allow for multiple attempts when necessary
- bug fixes for the operations metrics reports
- Improvements to directory tracking and clean up
- Improvements to request cancellation
- Catch and respond to condor_submit and condor_submit_dag error codes when cluster submission fails
- CARTA4.1 support
- Implementation of the CASA Version Matrix for CASA version selection based on initial product and processing type
- Image download delivery improvements, including separation of image products and weblog delivery
- Calibration download delivery improvements
- Infrastructure preparation for improved CMS restores
- Fixes to workflow log monitoring
- Fixes for automatic lustre cleanup of system aborted processing directories
- Fixes for workflow reacquire on initial deployment
- Workflow support to full image curation
- Upgraded WS for HTCondor10
- Misc. bug fixes
- Optimization of lustre storage usage.
- Data will be removed from lustre within 14 days of processing completion for calibration and imaging (SRDP status dependent)
- QA Fail, Cancellation, or Closure of Workspaces requests now immediately removes the processing directory from lustre
- Capability requests now share a single copy of all rawdata between multiple versions
- Workflow support for partial curation
- Misc. bug fixes
- Misc. bug fixes
Only science bands will be shown on the Active Requests page for newly ingested data processing
The background colors of the execution status shown on the Active Requests page now reflects the status
Preliminary support of RADIAL
NGAS Download Status is now visible and filterable on the Active Requests page
QA Pass - Custom action now available. Customize Emails to users when necessary
The Email dialog has been removed from QA Fail
Setting the SRDP flag on the Active Requests page now reflects changes to all versions
VLBI Ingestion Support:
- VLBA/GMVA file ingestion has been standardized to use the manifest driven system in use for other instruments
- VLBA/GMVA file ingestion will be removed from the Legacy Archive and current AAT/PPI services
- VLBA/GMVA ingestion is now controlled by AAT/WS via StackStorm
- this includes:
- directory monitoring for the difx area
- directory renaming to reflect ingestion status
- HTCondor based ingestion workflow implementation for VLBA, GMVA and Mark4 data types.
- Permanent fixes for UI update bugs
- Mitigation of UI update bug causing increased server load
- Bug fix for user notifications
- improved robustness of notification service against invalid email addresses
- Workflow Progress Tracking
- Ability to write tailored emails to users
- Miscellaneous UI improvement
- Ancillary image products are now delivered for image downloads
- DA tool improvements
- All basic downloads from the AAT now go through WS
- Delivery improvements
- VLASS cube image QA and caching
- CARTA experience improvements
Known Issues
There is likely an N+1 query issue in the backend endpoint that supports the UI active request page updates. Investigations are ongoing
Release 2.8.6/2.8.7 - 2025.02.27
- [WS-2769] - Address Cal+Imaging feedback from Sprint 97 review
- [WS-2799] - Upgrade Workspaces HTCondor to HTC23
- [WS-2940] - Add secure condor POOL file to workflow container
- [WS-2978] - change transfer_output_files because of HTCondor-23
- [WS-3115] - Update the default pipeline recipe for cal+img
- [WS-216] - As a DA, I want to execute a calibration and imaging Capability on a VLA data set
- [WS-217] - As a DA I want to re-execute a calibration and imaging on a VLA data set
- [WS-1280] - As an Ops manager I would like the default capability changed to cal+img
- [WS-2240] - As a DA I would like to only ingest the calibration products from a cal+img run if the image is poor
- [WS-2321] - As an operations manager I would like cal+img runs to be cleaned up after ingestion
- [WS-2322] - As a DA I would like an editable email template for cal+img to send to users
- [WS-2324] - As a DA I would like to create a std_cms_imaging request if the calibration is good but the image needs improvement
- [WS-2374] - As an operations manager I need the Observing Types from the PST stored in the AAT
- [WS-2375] - As an ops mgr I need the observation types to be copied from the AAT database upon ingestion via an expanded "wrester" utility in workspaces.
- [WS-2377] - As an ops mgr I need a link in the request page to display project information (title, abstract, observing types) for a request.
- [WS-2379] - As an Ops Mgr I need the archive to be able to ingest spectral cubes
- [WS-2382] - As an Ops Mgr, I need a state machine capable of handling partial QA Pass for cal&image
- [WS-2683] - As a DA, I would like to be able to view weblogs after the run is deleted from spool
- [WS-2684] - As a DA, I would like the test workspaces page to be clearly labelled.
- [WS-2690] - As a DA, I want to execute a calibration and imaging Workflow on a VLA data set
- [WS-2745] - As an ops mgr I need to set the specline_spws pipeline parameter in the PPR based on observation types
- [WS-2777] - As a data analyst/operations manager, I would like the StandardCalibrationAndImagingSettings.runState CAPO property replaced with buttons in UI
- [WS-2755] - As a DA, I would like to be able to ingest a VLASS SE cube into the archive
- [WS-2756] - As a DA, I would like to be able to cache a VLASS SE cube
- [WS-2757] - As an Ops Mgr I need cubes deleted from the cache after a fixed period.
- [WS-2759] - As a user I would like to be able to view a VLASS cube in CARTA
- [WS-2828] - As a user I would like to download a VLASS cube
- [WS-2709] - Quotation marks do not appear correctly in workspaces fail emails
- [WS-2926] - Follow-on capability versions not reusing rawdata
- [WS-2955] - System aborted requests are not sending email to the DAs
- [WS-3169] - PI names with special characters break CMS requests
Release - 2024.11.07
- [WS-2841] - As an operations manager, I would like the e-mail addresses for restores to be propagated into workspaces
- [WS-2840] - Limit spelunker query to workflow_requests to relevant data
- [WS-2894] - Restore failure notifications are not being sent to the proper mailing lists
Release 2.8.5 - 2024.10.30
- [WS-380] - As an operations manager I want to be notified if a VLA restore job fails
- [WS-381] - As an operations manager, I want to be notified if an ALMA restore job fails
- [WS-382] - As a user, I want to be notified when my ALMA restore job is complete
- [WS-383] - As a user, I want to be notified when my VLA restore job is complete
- [WS-1275] - As an operations manager, I would like to be sure that the PPR recipes are updated correctly
- [WS-1936] - Please remove duplicate rows from the ws_metric operations report
- [WS-2097] - As a user, I want the delivery improvements for EVLA CMS downloads implemented
- [WS-2149] - As an operations manager, I would like calibration restores to have only one copy of the calibrated ms.
- [WS-2241] - SSA OPS Request: Name staging directories more uniquely
- [WS-2533] - As a user, I would like to run a calibration ALMA restore through WS.
- [WS-2538] - As a user, I want to be able to download a restored ALMA CMS
- [WS-2581] - As a project scientist, I want the CASA Matrix to disallow versions/pipelines older than the original processing version
- [WS-2639] - As a project scientist, I require that ALMA restore products must staged for download from NAASC filesystems
- [WS-2710] - Restore workflows should fail if CASA doesn't produce at least one MS
- [WS-2711] - Restore workflows should use the PPR over piperestore script if the calibration was produced with a different major CASA version
- [WS-2791] - As a user, I would like to run ALMA restores with the script
- [WS-2792] - As a user, I would like the piperestore script to work across major CASA versions
- [WS-2834] - As a user, I would like to use the piperestore script for calibrations generated with CASA < 5
- [WS-2839] - Acknowledgements for USNO included with some VLA projects
- [WS-2184] - Conversion and improvements for EVLA Restores
- [WS-2185] - Conversion and improvements for ALMA Restores
- [WS-2193] - Implementation of CASA Version Matrix
Release - 2024.08.08
- [WS-2580] - Catch the condor submit exit code and fail workflow if cluster submission fails
Release 2.8.4 - 2024.07.08
- [WS-274] - As a user I want to restore an EVLA CMS through the WS UI (but not have it delivered to me)
- [WS-1405] - As a product owner, I would like the AAT to automatically select the appropriate version of CASA to restore my data
- [WS-1729] - As a user I would like weblogs with my image products
- [WS-1851] - As a user, I’d like for the archive to track the completion date of imaging and calibration pipelines so the delivery directory structure for downloads is more functional.
- [WS-1967] - As a project scientist, I would like CARTA in the AAT/WS upgraded to version 4.1
- [WS-2209] - As a archive maintainer, I want to know which versions of CASA will run on the current processing cluster OS
- [WS-2351] - As a archive user, I want to know which CASA versions are valid for my request
- [WS-2352] - As an archive user, I want to be able to process data with my chosen CASA version
- [WS-2353] - As an operations manager, I want to track the PPR procedure name on the relevant capability definition
- [WS-2355] - As an operations manager, I want to run calibration curation automatically
- [WS-2425] - As a developer, I want casa_envoy to support calibrated-measurement-set restores
Release - 2024.06.18
- [WS-2434] - Fix HTC restart workflow state setting
- [WS-2435] - Fix HTC restart limited workflow abort cleanup
- [WS-2436] - Fix reacquire system skipping reacquisitions
- [WS-2488] - prevent wf_monitor from closing connections early
- [WS-2492] - some DAGs fail to track condor.log despite running successfully
Release 2.8.3 - 2024.05.02
- [WS-2213] - Update Workflow container to use HTCondor10
- [WS-2310] - Investigate StackStorm networking issues
- [WS-1353] - As an operations manager, I would like data deleted from spool in a more timely fashion
- [WS-1409] - As VLASS Operations Manager, whenever a tile is calibrated for QuickLook and Accepted and Archived, it should automatically be split into per-image measurement sets
- [WS-1429] - As operations manager, I need the SECC workflow to retrieve the SECI component list
- [WS-1574] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like a setting to turn on/off auto deletion of PIMS after SECI/SECC imaging
- [WS-1770] - As a product owner, I need images to be reingested such that the tt0 image is the primary data product
- [WS-1879] - As a VLASS DA, I would like the email subject line for pimscache to inform of success/failure
- [WS-1975] - As a DA working on VLASS, I would like to be able to create a flagging template for imaging pipeline jobs in a similar way to calibration jobs
- [WS-2147] - As an operations manager, I would like failed versions removed from disk upon QA pass
- [WS-2148] - As an operations manager, I would like an email if the cleanup script is unable to delete a directory on spool
- [WS-2150] - As an operations manager, I would like the data from failed requests removed from spool.
- [WS-2227] - As an operations manager, I would like one copy of the raw data to be used by all versions of a capability request
- [WS-2116] - pimscache: integer-proof the <RelativePath> data with quotes
- [WS-2165] - wrong syntax in vlass_seci jobs
- [WS-2210] - Close Request's email modal needs to send the correct destination_email
- [WS-2214] - internal_notes' Version 1's timestamp is frozen
- [WS-2313] - Targeted curation not working on production
- [WS-2181] - Optimize use of Lustre resources
Release - 2023.12.21
- [WS-1893] - As a product owner, I would like existing data to have their metadata updated to support refactored scanlists
- [WS-2161] - Fix execution status filtering for SRDP products
- [WS-2167] - Fix PPR format and encoding after updating for HTCondor
Release - 2023.12.08
- [WS-2156] - As a DA, I would like to see the QA notes file persist after QA pass
- [WS-2164] - VLBA ingestion is missing difx log file
Release 2.8.2 - 2023.11.30
- [WS-1491] - As an operations manager, I only want to see the science bands in an observation listed
- [WS-1657] - As a developer, I want the pexes to be built in the pipeline and installable via pip using the gitlab repo
- [WS-1658] - As a developer, I want to get rid of the base and cache Docker images
- [WS-1659] - As a developer, I want the CI pipeline to only rebuild things that changed
- [WS-1715] - As an operations manager, I would like the background color of execution status to reflect the state
- [WS-1812] - As a DA I would like an indication on the active requests page when a request has completed downloading data from NGAS.
- [WS-1813] - As a DA or AOD I would like the dialog boxes for the QA notes and internal notes not to close when "save" is pressed, but have a separate "save & close" button in addition to "save".
- [WS-1814] - As a DA, I do not want the failure email dialog to come up when hitting QAFail (to fail the version), only for "fail entire request" and "close request".
- [WS-1815] - As a DA, I would like a "QA Pass - custom" button that brings up an email form for cases when an observation passes QA, but I have comments to add outside of the DA notes and/or want to cc schedsoc.
- [WS-1816] - As a DA, I would like to revert to the previous version when the "Fail QA" button is pressed, and be able to set or unset its SRDP status.
- [WS-1944] - As a user I would like to be able to filter the active requests page based on the NGAS download status
- [WS-1912] - Stray Whitespace Causing Errors
- [WS-1977] - UI User notifications lack access to PI/CoI email addresses
Research Request
- [WS-1618] - As a product owner, I want to know what the right solution is to handling the NGAS thread limits across all the SSA systems
- [WS-1798] - Prototype submission of VLASS jobs to RADIAL nodes
Release - 2023.07.26
- [WS-1895] - Identify and correct active request N+1 query issue
- [WS-1896] - Investigate and correct active request page polling behavior
- [WS-1897] - Return active request update timing to 3 second
Release - 2023.07.12
- [WS-1886] - WS UI updating is causing high load on production and impacting other services
Release - 2023.06.22
- [WS-1866] - Revert and version lock dsnparse library for contact wresting
- [WS-1867] - Fix notification service to be robust against invalid email addresses
Release 2.8.1 - 2023.06.07
- [WS-1168] - As a DA, I would like the option to write a tailored email to a user when I fail a request, and cc schedsoc
- [WS-1372] - As an operations manager, I want to retain workflow progress visibility for converted AAT and VLASS workflows
- [WS-1463] - As production manger, I would like the QA workflow terminology to reflect the process rather than job titles
- [WS-1490] - As a data analyst or operations manager, I would like the request number listed in the ws_metrics report
- [WS-1492] - As operations manager, when creating a new version of a calibration, the interface should automatically show the latest version
- [WS-1493] - As an operations manager, I would like to be able to sort Active Requests by Execution status
- [WS-1514] - As an operations manager I would like the option to display more active requests
- [WS-1515] - As an operations manager, I would like the interface to show a different color for the DA/AOD assignment boxes
- [WS-1568] - As an operations manager, I would like to be able to filter displayed requests by Execution Status
- [WS-1576] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like a e-mail notification when PIMSCache has finished for a tile
- [WS-1577] - As VLASS Operations Manager, I would like the Quicklook imaging to start after PIMSCache has completed for a Tile
- [WS-1578] - As a workspaces users (DA or ops manager), I do not want my current page to be retained when switching queues
- [WS-1594] - As a WS user, I would like to be able to open a WS request in a new tab from the active requests page
- [WS-1614] - As a user, I want all the ancillary images to be downloaded when downloading the primary image product
- [WS-1615] - As a DA, I would like to remove a failed request from the active requests list
- [WS-1620] - As a VLASS operations manager, I want improved reporting for PIMSCache, including when completion emails are sent
- [WS-1711] - As an operations manager, I need a way to associate the request ID with its working directory
Release 2.8.0 - 2023.03.30
Research Request
- [WS-1500] - As a product owner, I want to ensure that the developers have all the information they need to implement GBT support
- [WS-1513] - Sorting by request appears to be broken in Workspaces interface
- [WS-1538] - Active requests page jumps on refresh
- [WS-1652] - increase HTCondor running job limits
- [WS-50] - As an anonymous scientist I want to download a VLA data set in the native format (or tar file) to my home computer.
- [WS-52] - As an anonymous scientist I want to download a VLBA data set in the native format (or tar file) to my home computer
- [WS-53] - As an anonymous scientist I want to download a GBT data set in the native format (or tar file) to my home computer
- [WS-110] - As a user, I want to able to download a script that will use wget/curl to retrieve files from my request
- [WS-121] - As an anonymous scientist I want to download an ALMA data set in the native format (or tar file) to my home computer
- [WS-122] - As an authenticated user I want to download a proprietary ALMA data set in the native format (or tar file) to my home computer
- [WS-1110] - As a DA, I would like to be able to QA reject bad planes from a cube but pass the good ones
- [WS-1496] - As an anonymous user, I want to download images in their native format (or tar file) to my home computer
- [WS-1497] - As an authenticated user, I want to download my proprietary images in native format (or tarfiles) to my home computer
- [WS-1498] - As an authenticated user, I want to download proprietary or public images in native format (or tarfile) to a directory on lustre
- [WS-1512] - As a user, I do not want to be prompted to send user data for CARTA when the session loads