Welcome to the NRAO archive!
This archive tool provides access to VLA (historical and post-upgrade), ALMA (Cycles 1 and higher), VLBA, and a significant fraction of GBT data. Users seeking GBT data not found here should submit a science help desk ticket.
Users seeking ALMA Cycle 0 and/or the full assortment of ALMA image and calibration products should use the ALMA Science Archive (https://almascience.nrao.edu/asax/).
For questions, please contact the science help desk (https://help.nrao.edu) and select the "Data Products" topic.
Additional features this release include:
- Fix bug where duplicate ALMA project codes prevent the My Data view from rendering for some users
- Fix bug in observation ingestion causing duplicate observations configurations to persist to the database which prevents spectral data import
- Fix for solr indexer skipping projects without acknowledgements
- Import of Observing Type information from PST to Archive database
- Ingestion of EVLA Standard Imaging Spectral Cubes
- Ingestion for VLASS SE Coarse Cube Image products
- Downloads for VLASS SE Coarse Cube Image products
- Search and display of VLASS SE Coarse Cube Products
- Fix for Acknowledgment system bug causing data curation to remove VLBA observations from the archive search index
- Fix for My Data loading issue
- Fix for passing user emails to Workspaces for restores
- Fix to restore delivery directory naming to use the Request Handler Id rather than the Workspaces workflow id
- Introduction of the Data Acknowledgment System
- Improves position search results allowing display and sorting on distance from target
- Clarification of search field wildcards
- Aggregated scan list view for ALMA MOUSes
- TAP system now provides information about data proprietary status and QA notes.
- Calibrated Measurement Set Restores are now processed through the Workspaces system for both EVLA and ALMA.
- The CASA Version Matrix now disallows selection of CASA versions older than the original processing version if it is known.
- Enables project level and since specific date indexing for calibrations and images, manual and automated
- Corrections for display of partially curated observations
- Corrections to collection flagging on observation ingestion
- Request Handler error message improvements
- New Archive product view, allowing stable reproducible links to individual archived products
- Source resolver tool improvements
- Scan list display improvements
- Selfcal product ingestion
- Improvements to the TAP service
- Partial Curation Calibration support
- Implementation of the CASA Version Matrix for CASA version selection based on initial product and processing type
- Improvement to the TAP service
- Metadata additions to the search interface
- Improvements for tracking file ingestion into permanent storage
- Introduction of Full Curation for image product correction
- Bug corrections for observation metadata curation
- Automatic Error Recognition of Ingested Data
Missing Scans/BDFs should now be flagged on ingestion
Improved display of archive ingestion/observation issues
Missing Scans/BDFs warnings should now be highlighted in yellow
Improved Scan Lists
Introduction of pagination
Introduction of Spectral Window data for EVLA, ALMA, VLBA, and GMVA
Various display improvements and corrections for previously held observation data
Please Note: support of these features will require extensive data reingestion.
QA Notes for newly ingested non-VLASS Calibrations are available from the Archive
QA Notes for newly ingested non-VLASS Images are available from the Archive
X-band will no longer be listed as an observation band if it was only used for pointing for newly ingested EVLA data
The Science Helpdesk is now accessible from the Archive
Curator: NRAO Archive Reingestion System
VLBI Ingestion Support
VLBA/GMVA file ingestion has been standardized to use the manifest driven system in use for other instruments
VLBA/GMVA file ingestion will be removed from the Legacy Archive and current AAT/PPI services
VLBA/GMVA ingestion is now controlled by AAT/WS via StackStorm
this includes:
- directory monitoring for the difx area
- directory renaming to reflect ingestion status
- Workspaces HTCondor based ingestion workflow implementation for VLBA, GMVA and Mark4 data types.
Known Issues
- There is a bug in the Product View UI where if a user opens the download modal and the closes it the loading screen never returns. This can be bypassed by reloading the page. Investigation into the cause is ongoing.
Release Notes - - 2025.03.06
- [WS-3235] - Duplicate projects causing My Data to fail loading
- [WS-3236] - Autoflush change to Ingestion is causing duplicate observation configurations
Release Notes - 4.3.3/4.3.4 - 2025.02.27
- [WS-2374] - As an operations manager I need the Observing Types from the PST stored in the AAT
- [WS-2755] - As a DA, I would like to be able to ingest a VLASS SE cube into the archive
- [WS-2828] - As a user I would like to download a VLASS cube
- [WS-2963] - As a user, I want to see VLASS cubes displayed in the archive
- [WS-2941] - Indexer skipping products without acknowledgement entries
Research Request
- [WS-2937] - Research and document needs for implementing Collections
Release Notes - - 2024.11.07
- [WS-2712] - As a user, directory name for local delivery should match the RH request ID for restorations
- [WS-2841] - As an operations manager, I would like the e-mail addresses for restores to be propagated into workspaces
- [WS-2842] - Add new project acknowledgement pattern for NRAO/VLBA pairings
Release Notes - 4.3.2 - 2024.10.30
- [WS-2701] - Make location service pull expected ALMA calibration files from ALMA database
- [WS-1339] - Image Position Search returns should show angular distance (in arcsec) from position searched
- [WS-1348] - Create download acknowledgement database layer
- [WS-1412] - As a user, I would like the TAP return query to carry information about the proprietary state of data
- [WS-1804] - As a user, I would like consistently implemented 'implicit' wildcards and to know that wildcards are implicit with tool tops
- [WS-1852] - As a user, I would like the QA notes to appear as a field in the database queried for TAP
- [WS-2169] - As a user, I would like to choose which version of CASA to run for ALMA restores
- [WS-2198] - As a product owner, I want appropriate acknowledgements displayed to users before downloads begin
- [WS-2199] - As a product owner, I want an archive-service endpoint to retrieve a project's acknowledgments
- [WS-2200] - As a DA, I want a tool that allows me to set an acknowledgment on a project
- [WS-2387] - As a user, I would like older data to have the X-band code removed from bands when it was only used for pointing
- [WS-2397] - Make AAT submit EVLA Restore request to WS
- [WS-2413] - As a product owner, I would like the restore workflow to parse the casa logs to search for 'SEVERE' statements
- [WS-2509] - Create an aggregate scanlist link for ALMA MOUSes
- [WS-2510] - As a user, I would like the scanlist display to show spectral setup information with each EB, below the header info
- [WS-2539] - Observation/Project Position Search returns should show angular distance (in arcsec) from position searched
- [WS-2547] - As a product owner, I would like the appropriate acknowledgements set at the time of data ingestion
- [WS-2563] - As a product owner, I would like the display of acknowledgements adjusted
- [WS-2565] - As an NRAO partner, I want to update the USNO project codes for the acknowledgement system
- [WS-2573] - Preserve sort column across results views if possible
- [WS-2637] - As a user, I want the new ALMA restores integrated into the Archive
- [WS-2691] - Fix bug where CASA Version list for processing doesn't reload except on refresh in AAT
- [WS-1453] - Provide users with standard acknowledgements for data
- [WS-2184] - Conversion and improvements for EVLA Restores
- [WS-2185] - Conversion and improvements for ALMA Restores
- [WS-2193] - Implementation of CASA Version Matrix
Release Notes - - 2024.08.08
- [WS-2570] - As a archive maintainer, I need the Solr Indexer to support project level indexing for calibrations
- [WS-2560] - Fix product view UI to handle NaNs in json
- [WS-2562] - Ingest not flagging RealFast collection data
Release Notes - 4.3.1 - 2024.07.08
- [WS-1405] - As a product owner, I would like the AAT to automatically select the appropriate version of CASA to restore my data
- [WS-1610] - As a user I would like to be able to access an AAT link that brings up a specific product so that I can integrate the archive with other systems or share the link with other users
- [WS-1934] - As a user, I would like a more intuitive way to use the source resolver
- [WS-2087] - As a user, I would like to see the source coordinates in the scanlist per-band tables
- [WS-2088] - As a user, I would like to see spectral resolution displayed in kHz when the channel width is < 0.1 MHz.
- [WS-2171] - As a project scientist, I need the selfcal outputs archived with the images from an EB
- [WS-2317] - As a project scientist, I would like the default CASA for VLA restores (and VUDI) able to be set independently
- [WS-2346] - As a user, I would like the t_min and t_max TAP returns to reflect the start/stoptime of a scan, not the whole observation
- [WS-2347] - As a user, I would like to see the scan number returned in the TAP interface
- [WS-2349] - As an operations manager, I would like calibration ingestion to track the CASA version used for processing
- [WS-2350] - As an operations manager, I would like calibrations curated to back populate the CASA version used during processing
- [WS-2389] - Provide default scheduling block types for non-SDM observations
- [WS-2409] - As a user, I would like project code to be returned in TAP searches
- [WS-1332] - Request Handler should provide user-friendly error message when access is not allowed to dataset
Research Request
- [WS-2318] - Design and document CASA Version Matrix
Release Notes - - 2024.05.02
- [WS-2109] - Remove defunct CASA processing properties from CAPO
- [WS-1612] - As a users, I would like to see the number of antennas in TAP search returns
- [WS-1617] - As a user, I would like to see max uv-distance in the TAP server returns
- [WS-1764] - As a user, I would like to see the number of antennas in the AAT search returns
- [WS-1768] - As a user, I want to only see the tt0 images in archive search returns.
- [WS-1770] - As a product owner, I need images to be reingested such that the tt0 image is the primary data product
- [WS-2103] - As a user, I would like to see updated spectral information in the TAP service
- [WS-1411] - File sizes in TAP database stored as int32 and many overflow
- [WS-2179] - ALMA scanlists showing NaN
- [WS-2315] - data-query-test not returning observations without SPW info
Release Notes - - 2023.12.21
- [WS-1833] - Reingest to exclude pointing bands from eb.band_code
- [WS-2100] - As a user, I want positions corrected so that I can search OTF observations
- [WS-2112] - As a user, I do not want to see targets in spectral setups that only have SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION intents
- [WS-2170] - As a user, I would like the min/max freq columns to be present in the scanlists until metadata reharvesting is complete
- [WS-1351] - Indexing of VLA low band projects
- [WS-1893] - As a product owner, I would like existing data to have their metadata updated to support refactored scanlists
Release Notes - - 2023.12.08
- [WS-2163] - VLBA not ingesting idifits into NGAS
Release Notes - 4.3.0 - 2023.11.30
- [WS-213] - As a user I want to see the QA notes for my calibration
- [WS-223] - As a user I want to see the QA notes for my imaging products
- [WS-338] - As a user I want to know that the QA notes are ingested so I can see them
- [WS-1350] - As the product owner, I would like to see ingestion changes to support better scanlist display
- [WS-1355] - Automated Error Recognition of Ingested Data
- [WS-1356] - Display of archive ingestion/observation issues
- [WS-1362] - As a scientist, I would like to see several changes to ingestion to make the scanlist display more useful
- [WS-1391] - As a user, I do not want to see a project labeled as containing X-band (or C-band) data if X band (or C-band) was only used for pointing
- [WS-1392] - As a data analyst, we need a set of data annotation tools for highlighting problems with the data itself
- [WS-1393] - As a data analyst, we need a new type of annotation to label data with notes about the pipeline calibration
- [WS-1407] - As a scientist, I would like to see several changes to make the scanlist information more useful
- [WS-1495] - As a user, I would like the scanlists to have pagination
- [WS-1571] - As a product owner, I want VLBI files treated similarly to other products for ingestion
- [WS-1648] - As a scientist, I would like max uv-distance archived when data is ingested
- [WS-1649] - As a scientist, I would like the number of antennas to be kept during ingestion
- [WS-1769] - As a proj. scientist, I want the primary image data product to be righter
- [WS-1794] - As a user, I would like to see changes to VLBA ingestion to support new information in scanlists
- [WS-1802] - As a user, I would like a link to the science helpdesk on the archive page
- [WS-1803] - As a user, I would like the ALMA scanlists to mirror the refactored EVLA scanlists
- [WS-1805] - As a product owner, I want ingest to be able to work with the VLBI manifest changes
- [WS-1806] - As a product owner, I want VLBA ingestion to happen automatically
- [WS-1807] - As a DA, I want to be able to ingest GMVA files as needed
- [WS-1808] - As a product owner, I want a workflow that performs VLBA/GMVA ingestion
- [WS-1840] - As a system administrator, I would like automatic cleaning of the NAASC downloads areas
- [WS-1910] - As a product owner, I want VLBA Mark4 data placed into NGAS to facilitate current functionality
- [WS-1966] - Update AAT's mark4import script for WS taking over VLBA ingestion
- [WS-1976] - As a project scientist, I would like some further refinements to the scanlist presentation before deployment
- [WS-2001] - As a project scientist, I would like the VLBA and ALMA scanlists to have the same functionality as EVLA
- [WS-1349] - Scan list does not show coordinates between dec= 00 and dec = -1 correctly
- [WS-1810] - As a user, viewing scanlists from data within 'username's data' I am taken back to the main page
- [WS-1887] - The new archive provides a bad link for info on some data quality notes
- [WS-1919] - As a user, I would like local delivery links for MSes and basic downloads to include the full path and not be clickable
- [WS-2085] - The observed polarizations do not appear in the VLBA scanlists
- [WS-2110] - AUDI test run won't validate (velocity width rejected)
- [WS-1771] - Alter the logic for selecting the primary vs. ancillary for ingest_envoy manifest creation
Research Request
- [WS-1363] - As a product owner, I want a way to ensure that as new fields are added to the archive, we have a method for reingesting existing data to populate those fields
- [WS-1591] - As a developer, I want to understand how the legacy archive performs error recognition
- [WS-1650] - As a developer, I would like a good estimate of the work necessary to support the NRAO archive from Astroquery