Welcome to the NRAO archive!

This archive tool provides access to VLA (historical and post-upgrade), ALMA (Cycles 1 and higher), VLBA, and a significant fraction of GBT data. Users seeking GBT data not found here should submit a science help desk ticket.

Users seeking ALMA Cycle 0 and/or the full assortment of ALMA image and calibration products should use the ALMA Science Archive (https://almascience.nrao.edu/asax/).

For questions, please contact the science help desk (https://help.nrao.edu) and select the "Data Products" topic.


Additional features this release include:

  • Fix bug where duplicate ALMA project codes prevent the My Data view from rendering for some users
  • Fix bug in observation ingestion causing duplicate observations configurations to persist to the database which prevents spectral data import


  • Fix for solr indexer skipping projects without acknowledgements
  • Import of Observing Type information from PST to Archive database
  • Ingestion of EVLA Standard Imaging Spectral Cubes
  • Ingestion for VLASS SE Coarse Cube Image products
  • Downloads for VLASS SE Coarse Cube Image products
  • Search and display of VLASS SE Coarse Cube Products

  • Fix for Acknowledgment system bug causing data curation to remove VLBA observations from the archive search index
  • Fix for My Data loading issue
  • Fix for passing user emails to Workspaces for restores
  • Fix to restore delivery directory naming to use the Request Handler Id rather than the Workspaces workflow id


  • Introduction of the Data Acknowledgment System
  • Improves position search results allowing display and sorting on distance from target
  • Clarification of search field wildcards
  • Aggregated scan list view for ALMA MOUSes
  • TAP system now provides information about data proprietary status and QA notes.
  • Calibrated Measurement Set Restores are now processed through the Workspaces system for both EVLA and ALMA.
  • The CASA Version Matrix now disallows selection of CASA versions older than the original processing version if it is known.

  • Enables project level and since specific date indexing for calibrations and images, manual and automated
  • Corrections for display of partially curated observations
  • Corrections to collection flagging on observation ingestion


  • Request Handler error message improvements
  • New Archive product view, allowing stable reproducible links to individual archived products
  • Source resolver tool improvements
  • Scan list display improvements
  • Selfcal product ingestion
  • Improvements to the TAP service
  • Partial Curation Calibration support 
  • Implementation of the CASA Version Matrix for CASA version selection based on initial product and processing type

  • Improvement to the TAP service
  • Metadata additions to the search interface
  • Improvements for tracking file ingestion into permanent storage
  • Introduction of Full Curation for image product correction
  • Bug corrections for observation metadata curation


  • Automatic Error Recognition of Ingested Data
    • Missing Scans/BDFs should now be flagged on ingestion

  • Improved display of archive ingestion/observation issues

    • Missing Scans/BDFs warnings should now be highlighted in yellow

  • Improved Scan Lists

    • Introduction of pagination

    • Introduction of Spectral Window data for EVLA, ALMA, VLBA, and GMVA

    • Various display improvements and corrections for previously held observation data
       Please Note: support of these features will require extensive data reingestion.

  • QA Notes for newly ingested non-VLASS Calibrations are available from the Archive

  • QA Notes for newly ingested non-VLASS Images are available from the Archive

  • X-band will no longer be listed as an observation band if it was only used for pointing for newly ingested EVLA data

  • The Science Helpdesk is now accessible from the Archive

  • Curator: NRAO Archive Reingestion System

  • VLBI Ingestion Support

    • VLBA/GMVA file ingestion has been standardized to use the manifest driven system in use for other instruments

    • VLBA/GMVA file ingestion will be removed from the Legacy Archive and current AAT/PPI services

    • VLBA/GMVA ingestion is now controlled by AAT/WS via StackStorm

      • this includes:
        - directory monitoring for the difx area
        - directory renaming to reflect ingestion status
        - Workspaces HTCondor based ingestion workflow implementation for VLBA, GMVA and Mark4 data types.

Known Issues


  • There is a bug in the Product View UI where if a user opens the download modal and the closes it the loading screen never returns. This can be bypassed by reloading the page. Investigation into the cause is ongoing.

Release Notes - - 2025.03.06


  • [WS-3235] - Duplicate projects causing My Data to fail loading
  • [WS-3236] - Autoflush change to Ingestion is causing duplicate observation configurations

Release Notes - 4.3.3/4.3.4 - 2025.02.27


  • [WS-2374] - As an operations manager I need the Observing Types from the PST stored in the AAT
  • [WS-2755] - As a DA, I would like to be able to ingest a VLASS SE cube into the archive
  • [WS-2828] - As a user I would like to download a VLASS cube
  • [WS-2963] - As a user, I want to see VLASS cubes displayed in the archive


  • [WS-2941] - Indexer skipping products without acknowledgement entries

Research Request

  • [WS-2937] - Research and document needs for implementing Collections

Release Notes - - 2024.11.07


  • [WS-2712] - As a user, directory name for local delivery should match the RH request ID for restorations
  • [WS-2841] - As an operations manager, I would like the e-mail addresses for restores to be propagated into workspaces


  • [WS-2842] - Add new project acknowledgement pattern for NRAO/VLBA pairings

Release Notes - 4.3.2 - 2024.10.30


  • [WS-2701] - Make location service pull expected ALMA calibration files from ALMA database


  • [WS-1339] - Image Position Search returns should show angular distance (in arcsec) from position searched
  • [WS-1348] - Create download acknowledgement database layer
  • [WS-1412] - As a user, I would like the TAP return query to carry information about the proprietary state of data
  • [WS-1804] - As a user, I would like consistently implemented 'implicit' wildcards and to know that wildcards are implicit with tool tops
  • [WS-1852] - As a user, I would like the QA notes to appear as a field in the database queried for TAP
  • [WS-2169] - As a user, I would like to choose which version of CASA to run for ALMA restores
  • [WS-2198] - As a product owner, I want appropriate acknowledgements displayed to users before downloads begin
  • [WS-2199] - As a product owner, I want an archive-service endpoint to retrieve a project's acknowledgments
  • [WS-2200] - As a DA, I want a tool that allows me to set an acknowledgment on a project
  • [WS-2387] - As a user, I would like older data to have the X-band code removed from bands when it was only used for pointing
  • [WS-2397] - Make AAT submit EVLA Restore request to WS
  • [WS-2413] - As a product owner, I would like the restore workflow to parse the casa logs to search for 'SEVERE' statements
  • [WS-2509] - Create an aggregate scanlist link for ALMA MOUSes
  • [WS-2510] - As a user, I would like the scanlist display to show spectral setup information with each EB, below the header info
  • [WS-2539] - Observation/Project Position Search returns should show angular distance (in arcsec) from position searched
  • [WS-2547] - As a product owner, I would like the appropriate acknowledgements set at the time of data ingestion
  • [WS-2563] - As a product owner, I would like the display of acknowledgements adjusted
  • [WS-2565] - As an NRAO partner, I want to update the USNO project codes for the acknowledgement system
  • [WS-2573] - Preserve sort column across results views if possible
  • [WS-2637] - As a user, I want the new ALMA restores integrated into the Archive


  • [WS-2691] - Fix bug where CASA Version list for processing doesn't reload except on refresh in AAT


  • [WS-1453] - Provide users with standard acknowledgements for data
  • [WS-2184] - Conversion and improvements for EVLA Restores
  • [WS-2185] - Conversion and improvements for ALMA Restores
  • [WS-2193] - Implementation of CASA Version Matrix

Release Notes - - 2024.08.08


  • [WS-2570] - As a archive maintainer, I need the Solr Indexer to support project level indexing for calibrations


  • [WS-2560] - Fix product view UI to handle NaNs in json
  • [WS-2562] - Ingest not flagging RealFast collection data

Release Notes - 4.3.1 - 2024.07.08


  • [WS-1405] - As a product owner, I would like the AAT to automatically select the appropriate version of CASA to restore my data
  • [WS-1610] - As a user I would like to be able to access an AAT link that brings up a specific product so that I can integrate the archive with other systems or share the link with other users
  • [WS-1934] - As a user, I would like a more intuitive way to use the source resolver
  • [WS-2087] - As a user, I would like to see the source coordinates in the scanlist per-band tables
  • [WS-2088] - As a user, I would like to see spectral resolution displayed in kHz when the channel width is < 0.1 MHz.
  • [WS-2171] - As a project scientist, I need the selfcal outputs archived with the images from an EB
  • [WS-2317] - As a project scientist, I would like the default CASA for VLA restores (and VUDI) able to be set independently
  • [WS-2346] - As a user, I would like the t_min and t_max TAP returns to reflect the start/stoptime of a scan, not the whole observation
  • [WS-2347] - As a user, I would like to see the scan number returned in the TAP interface
  • [WS-2349] - As an operations manager, I would like calibration ingestion to track the CASA version used for processing
  • [WS-2350] - As an operations manager, I would like calibrations curated to back populate the CASA version used during processing
  • [WS-2389] - Provide default scheduling block types for non-SDM observations
  • [WS-2409] - As a user, I would like project code to be returned in TAP searches


  • [WS-1332] - Request Handler should provide user-friendly error message when access is not allowed to dataset

Research Request

  • [WS-2318] - Design and document CASA Version Matrix

Release Notes - - 2024.05.02


  • [WS-2109] - Remove defunct CASA processing properties from CAPO


  • [WS-1612] - As a users, I would like to see the number of antennas in TAP search returns
  • [WS-1617] - As a user, I would like to see max uv-distance in the TAP server returns
  • [WS-1764] - As a user, I would like to see the number of antennas in the AAT search returns
  • [WS-1768] - As a user, I want to only see the tt0 images in archive search returns.
  • [WS-1770] - As a product owner, I need images to be reingested such that the tt0 image is the primary data product
  • [WS-2103] - As a user, I would like to see updated spectral information in the TAP service


  • [WS-1411] - File sizes in TAP database stored as int32 and many overflow
  • [WS-2179] - ALMA scanlists showing NaN
  • [WS-2315] - data-query-test not returning observations without SPW info

Release Notes - - 2023.12.21


  • [WS-1833] - Reingest to exclude pointing bands from eb.band_code
  • [WS-2100] - As a user, I want positions corrected so that I can search OTF observations
  • [WS-2112] - As a user, I do not want to see targets in spectral setups that only have SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION intents
  • [WS-2170] - As a user, I would like the min/max freq columns to be present in the scanlists until metadata reharvesting is complete


  • [WS-1351] - Indexing of VLA low band projects
  • [WS-1893] - As a product owner, I would like existing data to have their metadata updated to support refactored scanlists

Release Notes - - 2023.12.08


  • [WS-2163] - VLBA not ingesting idifits into NGAS

Release Notes - 4.3.0 - 2023.11.30


  • [WS-213] - As a user I want to see the QA notes for my calibration
  • [WS-223] - As a user I want to see the QA notes for my imaging products
  • [WS-338] - As a user I want to know that the QA notes are ingested so I can see them
  • [WS-1350] - As the product owner, I would like to see ingestion changes to support better scanlist display
  • [WS-1355] - Automated Error Recognition of Ingested Data
  • [WS-1356] - Display of archive ingestion/observation issues
  • [WS-1362] - As a scientist, I would like to see several changes to ingestion to make the scanlist display more useful
  • [WS-1391] - As a user, I do not want to see a project labeled as containing X-band (or C-band) data if X band (or C-band) was only used for pointing
  • [WS-1392] - As a data analyst, we need a set of data annotation tools for highlighting problems with the data itself
  • [WS-1393] - As a data analyst, we need a new type of annotation to label data with notes about the pipeline calibration
  • [WS-1407] - As a scientist, I would like to see several changes to make the scanlist information more useful
  • [WS-1495] - As a user, I would like the scanlists to have pagination
  • [WS-1571] - As a product owner, I want VLBI files treated similarly to other products for ingestion
  • [WS-1648] - As a scientist, I would like max uv-distance archived when data is ingested
  • [WS-1649] - As a scientist, I would like the number of antennas to be kept during ingestion
  • [WS-1769] - As a proj. scientist, I want the primary image data product to be righter
  • [WS-1794] - As a user, I would like to see changes to VLBA ingestion to support new information in scanlists
  • [WS-1802] - As a user, I would like a link to the science helpdesk on the archive page
  • [WS-1803] - As a user, I would like the ALMA scanlists to mirror the refactored EVLA scanlists
  • [WS-1805] - As a product owner, I want ingest to be able to work with the VLBI manifest changes
  • [WS-1806] - As a product owner, I want VLBA ingestion to happen automatically
  • [WS-1807] - As a DA, I want to be able to ingest GMVA files as needed
  • [WS-1808] - As a product owner, I want a workflow that performs VLBA/GMVA ingestion
  • [WS-1840] - As a system administrator, I would like automatic cleaning of the NAASC downloads areas
  • [WS-1910] - As a product owner, I want VLBA Mark4 data placed into NGAS to facilitate current functionality
  • [WS-1966] - Update AAT's mark4import script for WS taking over VLBA ingestion
  • [WS-1976] - As a project scientist, I would like some further refinements to the scanlist presentation before deployment
  • [WS-2001] - As a project scientist, I would like the VLBA and ALMA scanlists to have the same functionality as EVLA


  • [WS-1349] - Scan list does not show coordinates between dec= 00 and dec = -1 correctly
  • [WS-1810] - As a user, viewing scanlists from data within 'username's data' I am taken back to the main page
  • [WS-1887] - The new archive provides a bad link for info on some data quality notes
  • [WS-1919] - As a user, I would like local delivery links for MSes and basic downloads to include the full path and not be clickable
  • [WS-2085] - The observed polarizations do not appear in the VLBA scanlists
  • [WS-2110] - AUDI test run won't validate (velocity width rejected)


  • [WS-1771] - Alter the logic for selecting the primary vs. ancillary for ingest_envoy manifest creation

Research Request

  • [WS-1363] - As a product owner, I want a way to ensure that as new fields are added to the archive, we have a method for reingesting existing data to populate those fields
  • [WS-1591] - As a developer, I want to understand how the legacy archive performs error recognition
  • [WS-1650] - As a developer, I would like a good estimate of the work necessary to support the NRAO archive from Astroquery

  • No labels