This is the working minimum installation needed to submit HERA calibration jobs to HTCondor at CHTC.
Set Variables (alter this for your account)
export BASE=~/hera/share
Download Miniconda for python-3.7
Install Miniconda
bash ~/download/ -p ${BASE}/miniconda3 -b
Activate conda's base environment
source ${BASE}/miniconda3/bin/activate
Optionally install conda environment in your .bashrc
conda init
Update Conda (381MB)
conda update -y condaconda install -y pip
Install HERA specific repos (2.6GB)
pip install git+ install git+ clone hera_opmgit pullgit checkout condor_v2pip install .python installpopd
Install Makeflow
cd ${BASE}git clone cctools./configure --prefix=${BASE}/cctoolsmake cleanmake installThis produces an ignorable error about manuals and docexport PATH=${PATH}:${BASE}/cctools/binpopd
Re-install hera_opm
pushd ${BASE}/hera_opmpip install .popd
export BASE=~/hera/sharesource ${BASE}/miniconda3/bin/activateexport PATH=${PATH}:${BASE}/cctools/bin