New Features
- VLA Standard Calibration
- VLA Standard Imaging
- Fix bug in AAT originating CARTA which was backing up capability service messages and state transitions
Known Issues
Release 2.0.1 - 2022.04.18
- [WS-1017] - AAT initiated CARTA sending messages to WS workflow AMQP queue on session expiration
Release 2.0.0 - 2022.02.28
Research Request
- [WS-757] - As a developer I want to know whether we can improve security and simplify Capo issues using Hashicorp Vault
- [WS-717] - As a product owner I want the calibration step sequence replaced with the state machine version
- [WS-758] - As a developer I want to simplify the build process by removing the pex build step
- [WS-797] - Finish initial implementation of QA
- [WS-865] - As a developer, I would like an easier way to manipulate capability state machines
- [WS-212] - As a user I want to be notified when calibration products for my observation are archived, and receive the QA notes
- [WS-222] - As a user I want to be notified my imaging products are ingested into the archive
- [WS-286] - As a DA I want the list of calibrations to be updated automatically by ingestion of new observations
- [WS-288] - As a DA I want the qaFail work to be done when I click the Fail button
- [WS-289] - As a DA I want the current qaPass work to be done when I click the Pass button
- [WS-290] - As a DA I want the other versions to be failed when I click the Pass button
- [WS-291] - As a DA I want a script to appear in the working dir on lustre to create a new version of this calibration, reusing already fetched files, with the modified files
- [WS-298] - As a DA I want to be able to manually inform the system of the ingestion of new observations
- [WS-700] - As a DA, I would like to see an initial mock-up of the DA UI to workspaces that looks like the VLASS manager
- [WS-701] - As an operations manager, I would like to have individual DAs and AODs associated with each job
- [WS-703] - As a DA or AOD I would like to be able to assign myself a job to QA
- [WS-704] - As an operations manager I would like to be able to assign a DA or AOD, or reassign a new one to a request
- [WS-705] - As a DA, I would like to see band, configuration, observation date, SDM ID and SRDP status (T/F) displayed in the UI for calibrations
- [WS-706] - As an operations manager I would like to be able to set the SRDP status of a product as T/F
- [WS-716] - As a DA I would like to be able to select on capability in the UI to separately deal with calibration and imaging jobs.
- [WS-736] - As a DA, I would like the weblog from an errored/failed/killed job to be copied to spool
- [WS-744] - As a product owner, I would like the QA state (pass/fall) and SRDP status (T/F) to be written to the archive
- [WS-745] - As a user I want to download the weblog from the initial calibration run of an SRDP dataset if multiple pipeline runs were needed, as well as the final one.
- [WS-759] - As a product owner I want to know that various quality checks are performed at commit time and/or during the CI process
- [WS-764] - As a DA I would like to see the current state of the job shown on the mockup UI
- [WS-766] - As a stakeholder I would like the UI mockup integrated into the main UI for workspaces
- [WS-767] - As a user I want to see different versions of capability requests and their state
- [WS-783] - As a DA I would like to see the start date-time of the latest calibration version displayed on the UI
- [WS-786] - As a product owner, I would like UX to enumerate the personas relevant to the Workspaces system
- [WS-787] - As a product owner, I would like UX to enumerate the jobs to be done relevant to the Workspaces system
- [WS-788] - As a product owner, I would like to create Scenario maps for the AOD personas and their jobs to be done
- [WS-799] - As a user, I would like previous versions of a request to be accessible for QA actions
- [WS-802] - As a product owner, I would like to see a sketch of a UX-informed scenario map for the DA persona in the Workspaces system
- [WS-804] - As a product owner I would like interviews to be held with DAs and AODs to help with UI/UX development
- [WS-818] - As a product owner I would like some research done into why the connections to the containers sometimes get dropped
- [WS-819] - As a product owner I would like to see the scenario maps tidied up to have a consistent vocabulary rather than a mix of workspaces and VLASS
- [WS-820] - As a DA I would like jobs that fail for computing/hardware reasons to enter an ERROR state which is distinct from the FAILED state they go into if they fail QA
- [WS-864] - As a DA I want to be able to do quality assurance on the standard imaging capability
- [WS-871] - As a product owner, I want the production release of 2.0 to be very well tested