The execution-blocks table is the top level of the tables that hold science data for the observations.  Each execution block is attached to a project, and contains one or more scans.  The scans, in turn, contain subscans, which are connected to files.


        Column         |         Type         | Collation | Nullable |                           Default
 execution_block_id    | integer              |           | not null | nextval('execution_blocks_execution_block_id_seq'::regclass)
 ost_exec_block_id     | integer              |           |          |
 filegroup_id          | integer              |           | not null |
 calibration_level     | character varying    |           | not null |
 telescope             | character varying    |           | not null |
 configuration         | character varying    |           |          |
 scheduling_block_id   | integer              |           |          |
 ngas_fileset_id       | character varying    |           |          |
 project_code          | character varying    |           | not null |
 starttime             | double precision     |           |          |
 endtime               | double precision     |           |          |
 calibration_status    | character varying    |           | not null | 'Unknown'::character varying
 scheduling_block_type | character varying    |           |          |
 band_code             | character varying    |           |          |
 ingestion_complete    | boolean              |           | not null | false
 segment               | character varying(2) |           |          |
    "execution_blocks_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (execution_block_id)
Check constraints:
    "evla_ngas_fileset_id" CHECK (telescope::text = 'EVLA'::text AND ngas_fileset_id IS NOT NULL OR telescope::text <> 'EVLA'::text)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "calibration_status_fk" FOREIGN KEY (calibration_status) REFERENCES calibration_status_values(status)
    "filegroups_execution_blocks_fk" FOREIGN KEY (filegroup_id) REFERENCES filegroups(filegroup_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
    "projects_execution_blocks_fk" FOREIGN KEY (project_code) REFERENCES projects(project_code) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Referenced by:
    TABLE "configurations" CONSTRAINT "execution_blocks_configurations_fk" FOREIGN KEY (execution_block_id) REFERENCES execution_blocks(execution_block_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
    TABLE "scans" CONSTRAINT "execution_blocks_scans_fk" FOREIGN KEY (execution_block_id) REFERENCES execution_blocks(execution_block_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE


execution_block_id: and auto-generated id to uniquely identify the execution blocks.

ost_exec_block_id: if the execution block has an id in the Observation Scheduling Tool, it should be listed here.

filegroup_id: each execution block has a filegroup containing a tree of files for the execution block. 

calibration_level:  the level of calibration that the data has undergone.  values can be 0 through 3, defined in ObsCore as:

0: raw data, possibly in proprietary format

1: instrumental data in standard format (FITS, ASDM, etc) Standards tools can handle it.

2: Science ready data, with calibration status defined on all axes.

3: Enhanced data products such as mosaics, image cubes, etc.

telescope: the instrument used to collect the data, eg. VLA, VLBA

configuration: the configuration that the instrument was in for the observation, if applicable.  for the VLA, this could be A, B, C, or D.

scheduling_block_id: the scheduling block id listed in John's DB, if any

ngas_fileset_id: The fileset id for this group of files in NGAS.  for backward compatibility, the Data Fetcher can retrieve by fileset id.

project_code: the project that this execution block it attached to.  See the Projects table for more details.

starttime: the start time of the earliest observation in the execution block, in mjd.

endtime: the end time of the latest observation in the execution block, in mjd.

calibration_status: whether the execution block has been/will be calibrated, eg. "Calibrating", "Do Not Calibrate".

scheduling_block_type: "OBSERVER", "EXPERT", or "OBSERVATORY"

band_code: the observing band is not always indicated by the receiver used, so it is also recorded here.

ingestion_complete: whether all of the files for this execution block have been ingested.  this is used internally for calibration.

segment: for VLBA data, the segment is similar to an execution_block count within a project.