This app repository is at . Its README contains the history of changes.



The information needed to feed the Operational Data Sharing DB (ODS DB) are originally stored in the (postgres) DB at (“chewbacca” machine). When the Operator creates a schedule and accepts a SB, the OST reads that DB and create the `*.evla` and `*.vci` scripts (to the Executor and correlator, respectively). 

It would be easier to implement an application that only reads these script files and sends them to the ODS DB. However, the Operators can accept the next SB just a few seconds before it starts. Thus, in order to meet the 20 minutes in advance requirement, the feeder application needs to constantly monitor for new schedules created by the OST and confirm that the next starting target from the schedule was effectively accepted by the Operator.

The VLA Data Sender could be integrated in the OST. However, it is complex to make changes to OST, and it is a good feature to be able to be used if manual scripts are executed (outside the Dynamic Scheduling mode).

App flow description

VLA Data Sender:

VLA Data Sender Monitor:

JSON keys

The JSON keys are detailed in the ODS API documentation. More information at ODS Database API Operation Description.

Current Limitations/ToDo

Version 0.6 of the Data Sender is the "Hello World" version. Versions 0.7+ are for the post "Hello World" phase (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024).

Version 0.7 released on Nov 1st, 2023:

Version 0.8, release date TBD:

Future versions:


GUI description


SB queue anticipation

In the last four years (mid 2023 -- mid 2019):

One could argue that the satellites configuration time could be accommodated in the gaps the dynamic scheduling creates (the major driver of the gaps is to accommodate priority observations.) I don't have the length distribution of gaps (yet), but I recently fount that they account for less than 3% of the dynamical time of the array. The typical SB length is 2 h = 120 min. 3% of that is 3.6 min. Thus, as long the satellite configuration time is longer than that, we would have impact on the array operations.