The PST/PHT development process is handled differently from other SSA projects. This project is allocated the equivalent of two weeks of development time for each release cycle. This page outlines the PST development and release process.

Ticket Creation

When a PST/PHT ticket is created the following fields must be filled out:

Please leave all other fields blank. Any other relevant fields will be filled in by SSA.

Old/Irrelevant Ticket Removal

Sometimes issues are fixed by other tickets or we simply decide a ticket is no longer necessary. If you know of any such tickets that can be closed, please comment such on the ticket and tag Charlotte Hausman in the comment. SSA will close out the ticket appropriately.


PST/PHT work is prioritized by the TTA Group and must fit within the two week development allocation each cycle. In the event that a feature requested during TTA Prioritization is estimated to meet or exceed the two week development timeline, the feature should be submitted to SSA Prioritization. The TTA Prioritization meeting will be scheduled before the SSA Prioritization requirements deadline passes to account for this possibility.

In order for a ticket to be accepted for prioritization, it needs to be findable via one of the TTA prioritization filters. This is done by adding one of the following labels to the relevant ticket:

At least two weeks prior to the scheduled TTA Prioritization Meeting, Allie Costa will send out the relevant filters to the TTA mailing list.

Stakeholders are responsible for verifying that their issues are present on the filter and adding the PST-DISCUSS label to any issues on the filter they believe should be candidates for the upcoming development cycle. 

If you are uncertain how to label an issue, you can comment on the relevant ticket and tag either Allie Costa and/or Charlotte Hausman and we will ensure the ticket is labeled appropriately. Please do not assign the ticket to a developer. This implies you want an issue worked on without going through prioritization.

Once possible tickets have been identified for prioritization via the PST-DISCUSS label, SSA will verify that each ticket has work estimates and all needed requirements are present.

Scheduling and Development

After the TTA Prioritization Meeting, the SSA Release Manager will add all chosen tickets to an epic for the upcoming release, set the 'Fix Version' field on all accepted tickets to the upcoming release, and set up all required JIRA release tracking.

At this time, all selected tickets will be assigned to a developer by the Release Manager and development will begin.


Once initial development for a given feature is complete, and as long as another release is not undergoing testing on the environment, the feature will be deployed to the test environment and the reporting stakeholder will be informed that their issue is available for feature testing. At this time, the SSA developer will place the ticket into 'Validation' state and assign it to the original reporter or other designated tester.

Once feature testing is complete, the reporter/tester should comment on the ticket that the issue is resolved and assign the ticket back to either the developer or the release manager. SSA will move the ticket to 'Pending Release' state until after deployment to production.


On deployment day, the SSA release manager will inform the TTA mailing list when deployment is beginning and when deployment has completed. All tickets for the release will be closed in Jira at this time.