
Implementation of the Archive Cache Service is formally removed from the deliverables from DMS for SRDP Wave 1.

ApprovedJeff Kern

Date: Jan. 25, 2019


  • Originally scheduled to be completed before this point, implementation has not started on the cache system as designed in the updated architecture.
  • Discussion with Stephan suggests that unless other features are descoped, this will not be completed.  Having reviewed the options allowing this to fall outside of Wave 1 seems the best option.


  • The primary risk is duplicated restores of a single data set for multiple imaging operations.  This can be manually mitigated.  The effect would be increased latency from the users perspective and extra load on the processing cluster.  No new risk is entered in the Risk Register as these risks are already being tracked.


Delayed delivery of performance enhancing capability.


  • Socialized and agreed at SRDP Admin Meeting Jan. 25, 2019
  • Communicated via e-mail to Lewis Ball, Brian Glendenning, and Stephan Witz,
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