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  • Cancel backlog meeting Monday?
    • Mark will check with team and cancel if agreed.
  • Is the Author List part of Proposal or Proposal Copy
    • Agree author list is part of proposal.
    • Consider moving the author interface to another tab and different language ("Add to Proposal" ?) to indicate that this is effective immediately rather than requiring submission.
    • Suggest if a proposal is in any state other than draft or hidden the title displayed on the summary should be the one from the observatory copy.
  • Chair Vetting
    1. Chair Vetting Stage. (Rejected)
    2. Allow SRP Changes. (Deferred requirement - STT-1053)
    3. Add Review from another SRP. (Already Included)
  • Dual Anonymous - discussion on adding another phase in the SRP, after consensus, that would make the team expertise section/ cover page available to the SRP and they could some feedback on team expertise (STScI, Sophia models) Not in the requirements as no official DARP policy exists to trigger the requirement.
  • Feedback on Sprint Reviews (Mark F.)

Open Actions:

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
2024-06-28 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Jeff Kern Discuss with ADs the role of the new tools vs existing PHT.
Jeff Kern2023-04-28 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Discussion on F2F parking lot items
2022-09-02 TTA Requirements Meeting
  • Establish who is Telescope Subsystem Scientist for GBT & VLBA.
2021-12-17 TTA Requirements Meeting

  • No labels