On August 8, Pat Murphy came up with this suggested list of changes to our KVM infrastructure supporting NAASC services, in order to ensure that the system requirements for VM guests in the docker swarm for the NAASC Science Portal are met. The main requirements are:
- 32 GB memory
- 16 cores
Caveat: this plan was intended as a stopgap, not an authoritative list of changes.
The specific steps proposed were:
- Move na-arc-1 to the new naasc-vs-2 system, bump up to 16 cores and 32GB
- Move na-arc-4 to the new naasc-vs-2 system, bump up to 16 cores and 32GB
- On naasc-vs-3, increase number of cores on na-arc-3 to 16, and 32GB. The #cores increase will require moving something else to a different KVM host:
- na-aes-carta (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-5
- na-testcarta-1 (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-5
- na-testcarta-2 (2 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-2?
- naascweb-pre (2 cores) – leave here
- organon (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-2?
- On naasc-vs-4, increase number of cores for na-arc-2 to 16
- On naasc-vs-5, increase number of cores for na-arc-5 to 16
This would require 2 moves of na-arc-* systems; 4 moves of other systems, and would achieve provisioning 16 cores for all na-arc-* (1-5) systems.