- NM Cluster scheduler replacement
- ALMA profiling
- Alamo Starlink
- GPU support
- NAASC scheduler replacement plan
- ngVLA Data Processing ConOps
- VLASS, assist with cube imaging plan
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
HERA hardware | James |
T4 HERA | krowe | Working: Felipe is done with nmpost064 So I told plaplant about it. |
Update nodescheduler stow package | jrobnett | Waiting for SIS to update stow package for nodescheduler 136692 |
Fix CV ganglia | fmadsen | Waiting for SIS, ticket 137124 - Caleb is working on it. |
slurm docs | krowe | update cluster docs that Slurm is in beta and HERA use only |
Action items