A page to describe the how-to's for various processes in SRDP.
Table of Contents:
Import L2 Requirements from Jira
The L2 requirements are tracked within the respective Jira projects for the DMS groups. In order to import these into the Cameo project execute the following steps:
Log into open-jira.nrao.edu and search for issues using the Export L2 Requirements filter.
Ensure that only the Key, Summary, and Description columns are displayed, and that they are in that order.
In the open-jira interface under the Export tools select CSV (Current Fields).
Choose a Comma as the delimter in the dialog box that pops up.
Using a text editor remove the first line (column headers) from the downloaded CSV file.
Download the two resource files from the right. These are a Java program that will do the translation from CSV to ReqIf format and the specification file.
Execute the java program usage is: java -jar <relative path to downloaded jar file> <import specification xml> <CSV file> <Output filename.reqif>
Use a text editor to modify the output ReqIf file changing the xmlns:ns2="http://... to xmlns="http://...
Start the Cameo Program and open the SRDP System Architecture project.
Recursively lock the Requirements Allocation package
Import the .reqif file under File>> Import From >> Requirements Interchange Format
Select the file in the dialog
If prompted select the correct wave based requirements package within the Requirements Allocation package. If you are not asked, then no new requirements are updated (although existing requirements have been updated).
Create the correct hierarchy among any newly created requirements.
Remove the lock on the requirements allocation package (committing the changes to the server).