Until self-calibration is included in the VLA imaging pipeline it is sometime necessary to run it outside of the workspaces environment.
Step-by-step guide
- Copy the calibrated ms and flagversions table to the working directory into a work area e.g. /lustre/aoc/sciops/<your dir>/<ws_request id>/working
- Edit run_casa.sh and selfcal_script.py (see info box below) to use the current working directory and ms name. These should also be stored in the working directory.
- login to nmpost-master and submit the batch job (from inside the working directory: "sbatch run_casa.sh")
- wait a few days
- The job should email you when done (it may claim the job has failed when in fact it ran OK).
- As vlapipe, move the contents of the project directory from the original workspaces directory for the imaging run somewhere safe (just in case..)
- As vlapipe, copy the contents of the new (with selcal) products directory to the original.
- In the original directory, gunzip the weblog.
- Make a note in the weblog by manually making and editing the qa_notes file in the weblog that the image has been self-calibrated. Report the CASA version that was used for the self-cal process. Also add an internal note that self-cal was performed.
- Submit for phase-2 review as usual
- Clean up your working area once the job has passed QA and been ingested.
#Don't put any commands before the #SBATCH options or they will not work
#SBATCH --export ALL # Export all environment variables to the job.
#SBATCH --mem=64G # Amount of memory needed by the whole job.
#SBATCH -D /lustre/aoc/users/mlacy/srdp/selfcal/req1236/working # Working directory set to your Lustre area
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # Send email when Jobs end or fail
# casa's python requires a DISPLAY for matplot, so create a virtual X server
xvfb-run /home/casa/packages/pipeline/casa-6.5.4-9-pipeline-2023.1.0.124/bin/casa --pipeline --nogui -c selfcal_script.py >& casa.out
# This CASA pipescript is meant for use with CASA 6.5.3 and pipeline 2023.1.0.42
context = h_init()
context.set_state('ProjectSummary', 'observatory', 'Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array')
context.set_state('ProjectSummary', 'telescope', 'EVLA')
hifv_importdata(vis=['23A-157.sb44369379.eb44370721.60147.8327970949.ms'], datacolumns={'data': 'raw','corrected': 'regcal_contline_all'})