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For both nm- and cv- accounts

#active accounts1191204
#accounts created1141212
Avg new accounts per month133
Avg # of interactive sessions per month678
Avg # of batch jobs per month656

Showing my work

#active accounts

zia krowe >ypcat passwd|grep "nm-"|grep -v closed|wc -l




cvpost-master-2 root >ypcat passwd|grep "cv-"|grep -v closed|wc -l




#accounts created

This is the total number of unique nm- accounts created since Feb. 20, 2015.

zia krowe >grep "^Subject: NRAO account nm-" /lustre/aoc/admin/mail/newacct | sort | uniq|wc -l


1141 accounts created since first record on Feb. 20, 2015.   1141    5705   43610

152 of these accounts were created in the last 365 days.This is the total number of unique cv- accounts created since Jul. 6, 2015.

cvpost-master-2 root >grep "^Subject: NRAO account cv-" /lustre/cv/admin/mail/newacct | sort | uniq|wc -l


212 accounts created since first record on  Jul. 6, 2015.    212    1060    8095

17 of these accounts were created in the last 365 days.


1141 accounts / 90 months = 12.7 new accounts per month in NM since first record on Feb. 20, 2015.

152 accounts / 12 months = 12.6 new accounts per month in NM in the last 365 days.

212 accounts / 84 months = 2.5 new accounts per month in CV since first record I used 84 months here because the first cv- account we created was on Jul. 6, 2015.212

17 accounts / 84 12 months = 21.5 4 new accounts per month in CV in the last 365 days.

Avg # of interactive sessions per month

nmpost-serv-1 root >/opt/services/moab/tools/moab/ -queue interactive -n 365 | grep "^User Name" | grep "nm\-" | wc -l




807 interactive jobs / 12 months = 67.3 interactive jobs per month in NM

[root@cvpost-serv-2 ~]# /opt/services/moab/tools/moab/ -queue interactive -n 365 | grep "^User Name" | grep "cv\-" | wc



95 interactive jobs / 12 months = 7.9 interactive jobs per month in CV

Avg # of batch jobs per month

nmpost-serv-1 root >/opt/services/moab/tools/moab/ -queue batch -n 365 | grep "^User Name" | grep "nm\-" | wc -l




780 batch jobs / 12 months = 65.0 batch jobs per month in NM

[root@cvpost-serv-2 ~]# /opt/services/moab/tools/moab/ -queue batch -n 365 | grep "^User Name" | grep "cv\-" | wc



74 batch jobs / 12 months = 6.2 batch jobs per month in CV
