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Time: 10:30 ET (8:30 MT)

Link to Zoom Meeting


  • News

  • Program Administration 
  • Project Management
    • Bob will update roadmaps need updated with 2024 POP goals.
  • Project RADIAL
    • VLASS data reduction course completed, presentation soon.
    • NSF proposal going in for 2nd worker node at FAMU (would be 2026)
    • UPRM now discussing with IT there. slowly moving forward.
    • Socorro node - K. Scott fixed remaining issues.
  • Science Ready Data Products
    • Using AI/ML techniques to enhance VLASS (and SRDP) QA processes.
        get some GPUs?
      • ML will organize follow-on meetings from the original AI meeting Tony held. Focus on VLASS QA and imaging problem, include DAs who are interested, cadence 1-2x per month. Maybe also include SRDP calibration (VLASS calibration is too small of a problem). Key people might include Patrick, Ryan, Poonam, Dillon, Sergio & Trent.
  • AOB
    • Lustre space issues severely affecting NM Ops, will need to prioritorize between VLASS and Pipeline Ops (incl SRDP), incl SRDP and recovery from past issues, i.e. "fit-order bug" and "3-bit compression".
      • Did find a problem with the workspaces cleanups, will need to monitor usage as we introduce new capabilities e.g. selfcal. 
      • Need to audit /lustre/aoc - Tony R + sysadmin?
      • Long-term problem will remain though - either need to grow lustre to meet demand or e.g. hive off an operations partition so operations are not impacted by disk space shortages.
    • Long-term support of legacy surveys (FIRST, NVSS).
      • FIRST is served out of LLNL, but critical personnel retiring in 1-2 yrs.
      • NVSS is served from NRAO but website ancient.
      • SSA probably too busy to do this in the short term.

Overdue Action Items:

serverDMS JIRA
columnskey,summary,due,assignee,original due date
jqlQueryfilter="SRDP Overdue Action Items"

Upcoming Action Items:

serverDMS JIRA
columnskey,summary,due,assignee,original due date
jqlQueryfilter = "SRDP Upcoming Action Items"