- NM Cluster scheduler replacementreplacement
- ALMA profiling
- Alamo StarlinkStarlink DONE
- GPU support
- NAASC scheduler replacement plan POSTPONED
- ngVLA Data Processing ConOps
- VLASS, assist with cube imaging plan DONE
- Create RADIAL specification
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes | |||
HERA hardware | James |
| |||
Slurm bug | krowe, jrobnett | Respond to SchedMD's question about suport contract. | |||
HTCondor show and tell | krowe | Make a show-and-tell to Amy and the DAs. Thursday, Mar. 17 at 9am. Make a slide about how to submit jobs manually. Use James's zoom. Tell Amy and the DAs | |||
VLASS cron job | krowe | Done: VLASS wants a cron job set up to copy data hourly, putting here so I don't forget. In place but a pgrep -f /lustre/aoc/projects/vlass/bin/pb-psf-storage.py would be good to keep it from running twice. Problem is cron won't let me use the -f Of course you can't use pgrep -f in a crontab entry because it will always find itself. So I wrote a wrapper script. It now checks for itself before running. | |||
DMS computing plan | James | Review DMS computing plan https://sharepoint.nrao.edu/dms/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/dms/Shared%20Documents/Management/Science%20Information%20Services/DMS%20Scientific%20Computing%20Management%20Plan.docx&action=default | |||
RADIAL plan | James | We need to characterize cluster computer services from the perspective of what can be supported by the remote host and what needs to be supported by NRAO | |||
Data reduction workshop | fmadsen | Frank Schinzel asked if I could support for a day to workto work with participants with imaging on the cluster - scheduled for October 18th | VLASS SE memory | krowe | Test an SE continuum imaging job on a dedicated node to see what the memory footprint should be. It's currently 50GB could it be 32GB with swap? Ask Amy for a test job. |
Jira | ||||||||||||