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Refactor vs GPUAllDiscuss how to proceed
HERA ordersJames

The JBOD (po 370942) arrived Jan. 13, 2021

The 4U lustre OSS will ship on Jan. 18th.

Distributed processingFelipeInitiate simplified testing cases  (e.g. mosaic vs awp)

four missing/bad disks on VD_3. helpdesk ticket 127465

Jan. 21, 2020: Install new shelf, restore data to new volume, use herastore01-4 as scratch when fixed.

nmpost091krowe, Jrobnett

nmpost091 is up at NMT.  Its NVMe is not visible to Linux.

Peter has had no luck with nmpost092. Dell confirmed those drive won't work. I gave Peter the PO for the drives and he will contact the vendor.

nmpost 65/87krowemove nmpost065 to torque and nmpost087 to condor

needs to move to slot 2.

step25krowe/lustre/aoc/sciops/krowe/tickets/scg-119/jtobin01  Took 16.6 hours with no errors.
CAS-13313-2kroweTest CASA-CAS-13313-2 against small data set
try it again with 16K cfcaches.  JobID 8729
observer_scriptskroweWe should consider how to get out of the observer script business
Cluster node for John Tobinkrowe

Need a cluster node with cfcache support for John

nmpost004 is setup for jtobin and he is using it

python2AllCIS wants to EOL python2 so let krowe know if you find anything requiring it.

serverDMS JIRA
