The specific steps proposed were:
- Move na-arc-1 to the new naasc-vs-2 system, bump up to 16 cores and 32GB
- Move na-arc-4 to the new naasc-vs-2 system, bump up to 16 cores and 32GB
- On naasc-vs-3, increase number of cores on na-arc-3 to 16, and 32GB. The #cores increase will require moving something else to a different KVM host:
- na-aes-carta (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-5
- na-testcarta-1 (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-5
- na-testcarta-2 (2 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-2?
- naascweb-pre (2 cores) – leave here
- organon (4 cores) – propose moving to naasc-vs-2?
- On naasc-vs-4, increase number of cores for na-arc-2 to 16
- and 32GB RAM
- On naasc-vs-5, increase number of cores for na-arc-5 to 16 and 32GB RAM
This would require 2 moves of na-arc-* systems; 4 moves of other systems, and would achieve provisioning 16 cores for all na-arc-* (1-5) systems.
This diagram (click to expand) shows the strawman proposal, and focusses on the KVM servers that would be over-subscribed (in red) as a result of the changes.