Jira |
server | DMS JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,status,resolution,customfield_11200,customfield_11201 |
columns | key,summary,status,resolution,Σ Story Points,Σ Story Points Remain |
maximumIssues | 20 |
jqlQuery | issueFunction in epicsOf("project = STT and fixVersion = \"TTA 0.2:Submission and Review\"") |
serverId | eb2e750b-a83a-387e-8345-36eee8a98f01 |
Epic | Sprints | Start Date | End Date |
STT-434 | 1-3 | | |
STT-438 | 3 | | |
STT-929 | 4-5 | | |
STT-930 | 5-10 | | |
STT-931: | 11 | | |
Gadget |
isConfigured | true |
showVersionName | true |
preferences | rapidViewId=109&showRapidViewName=false&versionId=12304&showVersionName=true&isConfigured=true&refresh=false&=false |
rapidViewId | 109 |
versionId | 12007 |
showRapidViewName | false |
refresh | false |
url | https://open-jira.nrao.edu/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-gadget-version-report/gadgets/greenhopper-version-report.xml |
Jira |
server | DMS JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,status,resolution,customfield_11200,customfield_11201 |
columns | key,summary,status,resolution,Σ Story Points,Σ Story Points Remain |
maximumIssues | 20 |
jqlQuery | project = STT and type = Epic and fixVersion = "TTA 0.0: Preparation" |
serverId | eb2e750b-a83a-387e-8345-36eee8a98f01 |
Jira |
server | DMS JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,status,resolution,customfield_11200,customfield_11201 |
columns | key,summary,status,resolution,Σ Story Points,Σ Story Points Remain |
maximumIssues | 20 |
jqlQuery | issueFunction in epicsOf("project = STT and fixVersion = \"TTA 0.1: Proposal Creation 1\"") |
serverId | eb2e750b-a83a-387e-8345-36eee8a98f01 |
Gadget |
isConfigured | true |
showVersionName | true |
preferences | rapidViewId=109&showRapidViewName=false&versionId=12306&showVersionName=true&isConfigured=true&refresh=false&=false |
rapidViewId | 109 |
versionId | 12007 |
showRapidViewName | false |
refresh | false |
url | https://open-jira.nrao.edu/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:greenhopper-gadget-version-report/gadgets/greenhopper-version-report.xml |
- This is a DRAFT page for recording the implementation planning for the new TTA Tools Suite.
Phase 1:
- Support for eXtra Large Proposals Call
Subsystems | Interfaces | Database Tables | Account System | - Account System Proxy Interface
| Proposal Creation Subsystem | - Cycle Definition Interface
- Proposal Information Interface
- Allocation Description Interface
| Proposal Review Subsystem | - Review Configuration Interface
- Science Review Interface
| Phase 2:
- Initial Allocation Request Capture
- Sources
- Resources
- Request Calculator
- Allocation Constraints
Subsystem | Interfaces | Database Tables | Phase 3:
- Account System
- Spectral Visualizer
- Spatial Visualizer
- Product Specification
- Observation Preparation
Subsystem | Interfaces | Database Tables | Phase 4:
- Time Allocation Interface
- Data Management Plan Capture
Subsystem | Interfaces | Database Tables