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This page will outline efforts to develop a "Hello World" version of Obs. Status Sharing Operational Data Sharing (ODS) by "end of summer" 2023.  "end of summer" ~= Autumnal Equinox = September 23, 2023 (smile)

High level design diagram

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Component Descriptions


  • site - GBT or VLA
  • effective datetime UTC - used to determine effective schedule when previous schedule has been updated.
  • obs start datetime UTC
  • obs end datetime UTC
  • center RA of the sources
  • center Dec of the sources
  • radius over which the sources are distributed (for GBT map observations)
  • tracking rate of instrument (*may not be relevant with the introduction of the radius fieldfor non-sidereal observations)
  • frequency range of observation (in Hz or MHz)
  • text field (for notes)

The JSON keys are described in each Observatory data sender.

API process - will expose REST interface to SpaceX.  API process will receive request from SpaceX, query Obs Status DB for GBT and VLA observation status data and format and send response to SpaceX.  API format to be finalized.  Interface security needs to be finalized.  API process will be deployed on a VLA web server.


1) Finalize DB schema and deploy DB.

Schema described here: OSSDB schema json v0.1.pdf.  Test version deployed.

2) Finalize API process security requirements and document here.

Ticket entered with helpdesk.  Awaiting response.

3) Finalize API format and document here.

Described here: ODS Database API Operation Description

4) Develop GBT data sender.

In progress.

5) Develop VLA data sender.


6) Develop and deploy API process.

Demo version deployed internally:

Open Questions

1) How will the exposed interface be secured?


3) Will VLA observational data be fixed 20 minutes in advance?

VLA and GBT will update observation data as it is scheduled.  API will provide all scheduled observations current and future to the request time.

4) What VLA will send to DB and expose in the API during Maintenance and Test periods (or when OST is not used)?
