- The L1 capabilities projected for delivery to Pilot Operations are ready for verification and validation.
- That a test framework is ready to executethe software system to be tested is under configuration control and is available in the software test environment.
- That any items not yet ready for test are identified with a plan to advance them to a state of completion and test prior to delivery to Pilot Operations.
- That a suite of tests sufficient for verification and validation have been defined.
Review Plan
- This is an internal SRDP Project Office review, the Review Plan is completely described within this Confluence page
- The Review is scheduled for May 3, 2019
Artifacts Under Review
- Project Office: Jeff, John, Mark, Bob
- DMS: Mark Whitehead, Stephan, Kana, Morgan, Andy, David, James
Artifacts Under Review
Date | Item or Event and Deadline for Availability | Responsible |
5/3/2019 | RVTM (Requirements Verification Traceability Matrix) | SRDP PM |
Test Environment Ready (including configuration list) |
to support the L1 Verification and Validation | DMS |
L2 Verification/Validation Complete | DMS/SRDP Heur. |
L1 Verification Plan and Test Procedures Complete for the following:
L1 Validation Plan for Heuristics and Operations Test procedures in Jira | SRDP Heur. |
/ |
Operations Process Test Plan
SRDP Ops. |
5/ |
8/2019 | Outstanding Issues and incurred Risk Defined | SRDP PM |
Report on Outcome of Review - Delta TRR scheduled for May 17, 2019 | SRDP PD |
Pilot TRR Agenda
- SRDP Project Director: Opening Remarks
DMS: Test Environment Ready (including configuration list)
- SRDP PM: Present Verification and Validation RVTMs; review process to track V&V against the requirements
- DMS: Present L2 verification and validation completion report, based on Jira ticket status
- DMS: Present L1 Verification Plan and Test Procedures, defined within the set of Jira Test Tickets
- SRDP Project Scientist: Present L1 Validation Plan and Test procedures defined within the set of Jira Test Tickets
- SRDP Operations Mgr.: Present Operations Process Test Plan defined within the set of Jira Test Tickets: SRDP-336; SRDP-337; SRDP-338, SRDP-340
- SRDP Project Director: Preliminary assessment of Test Readiness, itemize any key blockers or major risk to resolve before proceeding
Outcome of Pilot Ops TRR
Report prepared by SRDP Project Director to include:
Outcome of review to be one of the following:
Initial outcome May 3, was a Fail. Significant issues were identified in both the test configuration control, and feature completion. Delta TRR scheduled for May 17 to review progress and assess.
Pilot (Delta) TRR Agenda - May 17, 2019
- SRDP Project Director: Opening Remarks
- SRDP PM: Review Open Actions from TRR
- SRDP-364 - Configuration profiles for Test and Production environments
- SRDP-363 - Scripts for workspace manager (see
& discussion on Requirements for SSA work-around scripts for pilot)Jira server DMS JIRA serverId eb2e750b-a83a-387e-8345-36eee8a98f01 key SSA-5599
SRDP PM: Review issues since TRR:
Issue Number Description References Impact Reported by Date Owner/Assigned in Jira 1 Outstanding requirement to allow selection of pre-release CASA versions within the Archive menu pull down described in SSA-5592 is not in the L1 Doc or model, should this be aded? SSA-5592 Revision to Requirements and all downstream artifacts (model, V&V Test, etc), added work to DMS Jeff Kern 5/13/2019 Richard Falardeau 2 Spectral cutouts within a spectral window (ALMA Cube Imaging) can only be exported to a single file, unsure if additional exports are overwriting a previously generated file. ALMA exports a single file since cutouts are not supported. PIPE-345 Significant inconvenience, workarounds are in discussion Joe Masters / John Tobin 5/13/2019 Kana 3 The export of calibration products from the VLA pipeline run is addressed in PIPE-47 is not working as expected Potential blocker to Pilot Ops John Tobin 5/13/2019 Kana 4 SRDP-251 (ALMA Metadata) missing EBs although the DB was reported as copied from production SRDP-251 (ALMA), SRDP-253 (VLA) & SSA-5583 Blocker to Pilot Ops due to partial validation John Tobin 5/13/2019 John Tobin 5 Permissions within archive to download to local directories SRDP-209, SRDP-218, SSA-5268 Significant inconvenience, no progress since Dec 2018 John Tobin 5/13/2019 John Tobin - Any Other issues?
- Pass: All inputs are satisfactory, no additional risks found, proceed as scheduled.
- Risk Identified: One or more risks were identified requiring additional attention. Risk is not deemed sufficient to affect the schedule. Risk management plan shall be updated.
- Partial Pass: One or more risks are likely to impact schedule of the release. Re-planning to address risk required.
- Fail: Sufficient risk identified to halt the release. Re-planning or rescoping required.
- Outcome less than an unconditional "Pass" shall include recommended steps and dates to rectify
- all discrepancies
SRDP Project Director: Closing Statement / next steps
Mid-Pilot TRR Agenda - July 9, 2019
Previous date for Mid-Pilot Go/No-Go Decision: July 19, 2019
Revised date for Mid-Pilot Go/No-Go Decision: July 26, 2019
SRDP Project Office: John Tobin, Mark lacy, Bob Treacy
DMS: Morgan Griffith, Mark Whitehead, Stephan Witz, Kana Sugimoto, Joe Masters
- SRDP PM: Review Open Actions required to deliver Pilot Operations Capability to Validation
- PIPE-389 - Template recipe: creation of 'mfs' and 'cont' images
- Status: Ready to validate
- Status: Ready to validate
- SSA-5113 - Epic ticket: Implement ALMA optimized imaging cube capability
- Review Issues under Epic for Blockers and completion target dates
- Status: Actions captured to table below
- SSA-5330 Epic Ticket: Science Products, Ancillary Products and Associations
- Review Issues under Epic for completion target dates
- Status: Actions captured to table below
- (ML) Status of SSA-5599 Epic ticket - workaround scripts for Optimized Imaging workflow corresponding to requirements on Requirements for SSA work-around scripts for pilot, including SSA-5604, SSA-5632, SSA-5605.
- Identify Configuration changes (i.e. versions reflecting changes from these tickets): CASA 5.4.2-7; Archive TBD
- Any Other issues?
- Account permissions etc for DAs and AoD (ML) to run jobs as almapipe. (Status: Captured as M7 in the table below)
- Account permissions etc for DAs and AoD (ML) to run jobs as almapipe. (Status: Captured as M7 in the table below)
- Review and Assign Action Items (Status: Actions captured to table below)
- Outcome:
Not ready for full testing yet, though some tests can be conducted.
Pipeline is ready, with a follow up SSA item to incorporate pipeline changes in the template (item M1).
SSA is in an all-hands effort to finish the integration work for the product system (SSA-5330), with an estimate of 1-2 days before this is complete. At that point (July 11) attention can be turned to wrapping up other action items listed below.
Changes, particularly to the Request Handler, will require extensive retesting of items previously tested for Pilot. John is confident that he knows what needs to be tested.
Action items in the table below are needed to close the Mid-Pilot TRR and will be reviewed again on July 16.
- PIPE-389 - Template recipe: creation of 'mfs' and 'cont' images
Issue Number | Description | References | Impact | Reported by | Date | Owner/Assigned in Jira | Status | Due Date |
M1 | Apply PL changes to template | PIPE-389 | No CLI E2E testing until we do this, works with bespoke PPRs | John Tobin | 7/9 | SW/Jim Sheckard | 7/30 - Under validation. PIPE-389 is done, but John has held off on fully calling it validated until he can throw things through the workflow using its features. Ready to to integration testing, need CLI back up - | |
M2 | CLI functional, but changes needed to make it useful for users; need about half a day to do, once product system working | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 7/11 - memory management issues? 8/6 - SSA-5645 (Critical) looks like the only unresolved ticket in this epic, Ready to Verify + Jim to test today, verify that CLI is working | 8/13 - Jim 8/13 - should be viable after release | ||
M3 | Adding continuum image (switch) | Generating continuum by default, on/off switch not a blocker | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 8/6 - Closed Enabled by default, deferred the GUI switch | Done | |
M4 | GUI Interface for Archive | Stephan will provide ticket number | Not implemented on test yet, will be addressed after product system integration | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz/ French | 8/6 - SSA-5392 (design/prototype) Resolved SSA-5173 - Ready to Validate, LSRK question Will get to test when "Rest Frequency" in GUI, won't wait for LSRK + John to send "must haves" for the GUI | 8/12 - Deployment Blockers to be addressed in conjunction with testing 8/12 - already deployed |
M5 | Need time (day or two) to integrate, then will have status | SSA-5330 | Integration/delivery of the product system items is an all-hands effort on the part of the SSA team which blocks work on the other tickets. | Stephan | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 8/6 - 20 tix. 2 completed/resolved, 0 validation, 7 verifying/ready, 10 scheduled, 1 open Integration of new DF into product system, end of day + Stephan will let Morgan know if it makes it by the EOD Operational workflows still being revived all user initiated workflows operational. | 8/12 - Deployment 8/13 Deployment to Test |
M6 | SSA-5599, VLA implemented, ALMA in progress, 1) Script to notify Operations manager and DAs when imaging pipeline job is completed and ready for review: status - already exists 2) Script to rerun the imaging pipeline after edits to the PPR and/or extra flagging and/or changes to continuum subtraction: status - not yet done, but could be adapted from existing VLA recaldirs script. 3) Script to ingest image products into the archive and clean up the pipeline directory: status - not yet done (needs product system) | Scripts needed for ALMA, will address when product system items completed. | Mark Lacy | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 7/29 - Are there critical tasks in this epic, or do they all need to be done? 8/6 - 14 tix, 3 closed/resolved, 4 ready for validation, 2 ready/under verification, 4 scheduled Cube has ancillary prod, need to ingest cube with these products, have to hook this together and ingest a cube, check that DF works, notification - 8/8 re-run - 8/8 ingest - later Stephan/Jim | 8/8 - Stephan/Jim 8/12 - status the same: done/on the way/future 8/16 - Deployed, ready to test | |
M7 | Run jobs as almapipe in CV, as they run as vlapipe, need to check/configure ACLs | SSA-5689 | Operational efficiency, jobs should run the same way in both environments | Mark Lacy | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 8/6 - still an issue? (ticket last updated 7/11) ACL's for directory, let analysts into almapipe account | Done |
Mid-Pilot Delta TRR Agenda - August 6, 2019
9:30 MT/ 11:30 ET SOC-280, ER-331
AudioHub: 434-817-6286
0) a) Review outcome of last TRR - Morgan, b) General status - Stephan
Products working, PL issue that we're working on, ingestion in progress (Rick & Jim), Rudumentary IF for triggering cube generation, working on feature requests (LSRK)
1) Review List from last TRR (above)
2) Scripts & script tickets - need to separate mid-Pilot script tickets from others: (SSA-5599 - see above, SSA-5621) - this epic has no tickets)
3) Any new things?
What needs to be re-ingested - VLASS (for ancillary data), old, 6 wks+ ALMA cals run a one-off script, a couple of days
4) Next steps
Sched a Friday tag up (Stephan, John, Jeff, 10 MT/12 ET)
Reset key dates on Friday (Jeff)
Test can go to 3.7
5.4.2-8 released as of yesterday, Stephan make sure symlink is modified to pick it up (can't ready Cycle 7 ASDMs, OK for test
Key Dates (Tentative)
Aug 6 Mid-Pilot Delta TRR (this meeting)
Aug 20 Ends validation window
Aug 22 Operations Readiness Review
Aug 27 Operations Go/NoGo
SRDP Project Office: John Tobin, Mark Lacy, Bob Treacy
DMS: Morgan Griffith, Mark Whitehead, Stephan Witz, Kana Sugimoto, Joe Masters
Review Open Issues from July 9
Mid-Pilot Delta TRR Agenda - August 15, 2019
Outcome: TRR is closed
Most critical items have been addressed so that partial testing can move forward. AAT/PPI version 3.7 has been deployed to the test environment using CASA 5.4.2-8, some cleanup continues with scripts as a pacing item for Ops validation