- A user searches for some VLA ALMA data and gets returns in the projects/observations view.
- Can select a single EB or multiple EBs for imaging.
- If selecting multiple EBs, the following criteria should match (initial implementation to keep things more constrianed):
- Project code is the same
- Band is the same
- Configuration is the same
- If mixed setup (narrow and wide spectral windows)
- All spectral window numbers and bandwidths need to match
- Central frequencies match within some tolerance (+/- 100 km/s)?
- Selects and MOUS for AUDI imaging
- Restores happen in most appropriate CASA version using pipescript (New Feature)
- Those restored MSes then used for AUDI imaging
- Same settings as current should be available
- New settings (check boxes appear in json as true/false) (New Feature)
- selfcal checkbox (default selected)
- continuum image checkbox (default selected)
- cube image check box (default selected)
- selfcal default selected
- cube default selected
- continuum default selected
- spw numbers used instead of of unique spw names that ALMA uses.
- if cube unselected, hide all the cube settings
- New settings (check boxes appear in json as true/false) (New Feature)
- Cube and/or Continuum imaging selectable
- Cube imaging only selectable if pipeline version is 2024 or later (maybe we allow this with caveats?)
- Cube imaging only selectable if the spectral setup is mixed
- (New feature)
- Can have calibrated MSes also delivered with data.
- EB restores handled individually
- All the restored EBs aggregated for joint imaging.
- Does hifv_mstransform support all this?
Stretch goals (needs pipeline to support this)
- (New feature)
- Add central frequency to the filenames (using header info) upon ingest such that they are more unique. (New feature)
- Enable joint imaging across multiple projects/configurations
- Continuum simple, just allow selection of EBs across projects and configurations with same band(s)
- select spw(s) per-EB to allow for heterogeneous projects