Bryan Gaensler (CIRADA/CanDIAPL PI) moving to UC Santa Cruz
Amy Kimball visiting Cville next week
Program Administration
Project Management
VLASS-CIRADA agreement extension to 21st Jan 2024- revised Statement of Work sent to CIRADA project manager (Susan Xu).
RADIAL update
Science Ready Data Products
alignment of pipeline and SSA testing.
draft of handover plan to operations prepared.
ALMA releasing pipeline patch
limited to single-dish PL fixes
VLA/SRDP not planning to migrate
will have slight version mismatch for 6 mos since archive restores will be done with pre-patch pipeline
AAS ABQ splinter session proposal accepted
Memory issue with nmpost069 last week resulted in many job failures, node is now out of the queue and processing is proceeding smoothly. Currently working on optimizing the throughput.