- Using Apache Benchmarks every hour to load http://almascience.nrao.edu/ on rastan.aoc.nrao.edu
- ssh.aoc.nrao.edu:/users/krowe/alma_archive/benchmarks/almascience.nrao.edu (times are in milliseconds)
- Using download script to get 2013.1.00226.S-small (no ASDM tarballs) every hour on cvpost-master.aoc.nrao.edu
- ssh.cv.nrao.edu:/lustre/cv/users/krowe/tickets/scg-207/benchmarks/2013.1.00226.S-small
- Using download script to get 2013.1.00226.S-large (with ASDM tarballs) every hour on testpost-master.aoc.nrao.edu
- iperf tests using iperf3 -s -b <local IP> and iperf3 -B <source IP> -c <dest IP>
Production docker swarm iperf tests measured in Gb/s.
There is clearly something wrong with na-arc-3
2022-08-11: After re-creating na-arc-3 (a clone of na-arc-2). Also set the MTU to 1500. The VM Host interfaces (p5p1.97 and br97 on naasc-vs-3) were still 1500 so we cahnged the interface on the VM guest (na-arc-3) to 1500 instead of chaning the interfaces on the VM host to 9000 because there was concern that may interfere with other running VM guests on that host.