- Why does na-arc-3 have such poor network performance to the other na-arc nodes?
- ping na-arc-[1,2,4,5] with anything larger than -s 1490 drops all packets
- iperf tests show 10Gb/s between the VM host of na-arc-3 (naasc-vs-3 p5p1.120) and the VM host of na-arc-5 (naasc-vs-5 p2p1.120). So it isn't a bad card in either of the VM hosts.
- iptables on na-arc-3 looks different than iptables on na-arc-[2,3,5]. na-arc-1 also looks a bit different.
- docker_gwbridge interface on na-arc-[1,2,4,5] shows NO_CARRIER but not on na-arc-3.
- na-arc-3 has a veth10fd1da@if37 interface. None of the other na-arc-* nodes have a veth interface.
- Why is na-arc-5 using qdisc pfifo_fast instead of qdisc_fq_codel for eth0? (see ip addr)
- Is putting all the 1Gb/s production docker swarm nodes on the same ASIC on the same Fabric Extender of the cv-nexus switch a good idea?
- I am thinking it does not matter because it looks like the production docker swarm nodes use the 10Gb/s network which is on cv-nexus9k
- Why does natest-arc-3 have ens3 instead of eth0 and why is its speed 100Mb/s?
- virsh domiflist natest-arc-3 shows the Model as rtl8139 instead of virtio
- When I run ethtool eth0 on nar-arc-{1..5} natest-arc-{1..2} as root, the result is just Link detected: yes instead of the full report with speed while na-arc-3 shows 100Mb/s.
- Why do natest-arc-{1..3} have 9 veth* interfaces in ip addr show while na-arc-{1..5} don't have any veth* interfaces?
- Can we set up a test archive query that uses the "other" docker swarm which in this case would be the production swarm (na-arc-*)?
To Do
- Switch the production docker swarm back to MTU 1500 since the test docker swarm uses MTU 1500 and is performing better.
- Fix na-arc-3 so it gets the same performance as other na-arc-* nodes which is apparently at least 10Gb/s.
- Fix natest-arc-3 so it's NIC Model is virtio instead of rtl8139