- A projectbook like we did for USNO could be appropriate
- Process diagrams (how systems boot, how jobs get started from NRAO and run, how locals start jobs, etc)
- Drop ship everything to the site and assemble on site
- Ship everything here and assemble then ship a rack-on-pallet
- Mix the two. Ship minimal stuff here (head node, switch, couple of nodes, etc) and configure and drop ship most of the nodes to the site.
- Keep each rack as similar to the other racks as possible.
- Test system at NRAO should be one of everything.
APC sells a packaged rack on a pallet ready for shipping. We could fill this with gear and ship it. Not sure if that is a good idea or not. We will not be able to move the unit into the server room while still on the pallet because no doorway is tall enough. We would have to roll it off the pallet (it comes with a ramp and the rack is on casters) move it into the server room, fill and configure it, roll it out of the server room, roll it back onto the pallet, probably remove the bottom server(s) so we can attach it to the pallet, then re-add the bottom server(s). We could use the double glass doors for this but there is a lip on the transition. We could use the doors in the PRA closet as it has no lip but would require a lot of moving of shelves and stuff.
- APC NetShelter SX packaged:
- On Pallet: Height 85.79in (2179mm) Width 43.5in (1105mm)
- On Casters: Height 78.39in 1991mm) Width 23.62in (600mm)
- Double Glass doors: Height: 80in (2032mm) (because of the 2in maglock)
- NRAO-NM wide server door doors: Height: 83in (2133mm) Width: 48in (1187mm)