Versions Compared


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  • DONE: Port nodeextendjob to Slurm scontrol update jobid=974 timelimit=+7-0:0:0
  • DONE: Port nodesfree to Slurm
  • DONE: Port nodereboot to Slurm scontrol ASAP reboot reason=testing testpost001
  • DONE: Create a subset of testpost cluster that only runs Slurm for admins to test.
    • Done: Install Slurmctld on testpost-serv-1, testpost-master, and OS image
    • Done: install Slurm reaper on OS image (RHEL-
    • Done: Make the new testpost-master a Slurm submit host
  • Done: Create a small subset of nmpost cluster that only runs Slurm for users to test.
    • Done: Install Slurmctld on nmpost-serv-1, nmpost-master, herapost-master, and OS image
    • Done: install Slurm reaper on OS image (RHEL-
    • Done: Make the new nmpost-master a Slurm submit host
    • Done: Make the new, disked herapost-master a Slurm submit host.
    • Done: Need at least 2 nmpost nodes for testing: batch/interactive, vlass/vlasstest
      • done: test nodescheduler
      • done: test mpicasa single-node, multi-node.  Both without -n nor -machinefile
  • Identify stake-holders (E.g. operations, VLASS, DAs, sci-staff, SSA, HERA, observers, ALMA, CV) and give them the chance to test Slurm and provide opinions
  • implement useful opinions
    • Done: for MPI jobs we should either create hardware ssh keys so users can launch MPI worker processes like they currently do in Torque (with mpiexec or mpirun) or, compile Slurm with PMIx to work with OpenMPI3 or compile OpenMPI with the libpmi that Slurm creates.  I expect changing mpicasa to use OpenMPI3/PMIx instead of its current OpenMPI version will be difficult so it might be easier to just add hardware ssh keys.  This makes me sad because that was one of the things I was hoping to stop doing with Slurm.  sigh.  Actually, this may not be needed.  mpicasa figures things out from the Slurm environment and doesn't need a -n or a machinefile.  I will test all this without hardware ssh keys.
    • Done: Figure out why cgroups for nodescheduler jobs aren't being removed.
    • Done: Make heranodescheduler and and heranodesfree and herascancel.
    • Done: Document that the submit program will not be available with Slurm.
    • Done: How can a user get a report of what was requested and used for the job like '#PBS -m e' does in Torque?  SOLUTION: accounting.
    • Done: Update the cluster-nmpost stow package to be Slurm-aware (txt 136692)
      • done: Alter /etc/slurm/epilog to use nodescheduler out of /opt/local/ instead of /users/krowe on nmpost-serv-1
        • cd /opt/services/diskless_boot/RHEL-
        • edit root/etc/slurm/epilog
    • Done: vncserver doesn't work with Slurm from an interactive session using srun --mem=8G --pty bash -l.  I get a popup window reading Call to lnusertemp failed (temporary directories full?)  I also see this in the log in ~/.vnc Error: cannot create directory "/run/user/5213/ksocket-krowe": No such file or directory
      • Unsetting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR then starting vncserver allows me to connect via vncviewer successfully.  I am not aware of anyone that will actually be affected by this because the nm-#### users use nodescheduler and ssh so for them /run/user/<UID> will exist, and I doubt we have any users that currently use qsub -I other than me.  So probably the best thing for now is just to document this and move on.
    • Done: jobs are being restarted after a node reboot. I thouhgt I had that disabled but apparently not. SOLUTION: JobRequeue=0
    • Done: There is a newer version (21.x) It might be simple to upgreade.  I will test on the testpost cluster.
    • cgropus are not being removed when jobs end.  E.g. nmpost035 has uid_1429, uid_25654, and uid_5572 in /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/slurm and all of those jobs have ended.
      • This has been a recurring problem since the introduced cgroup support back around version 17.  We are using version 20 and version 21 is available.  I might be worth trying version 21.
      • I have upgraded to 21 and still see cgroups go unremoved.  This is not a critical problem, but more of an annoyance.
    • Document and perhaps script ways to see if your job is swapping.  Slurm doesn't seem to track this which is really unfortunate.
    • The sstat command doesn't produce any information unless you use the task name instead of the job name.  E.g. sstat -j 1904.batch
      • While the use of PrologFlag=contain which is set because we use PrologFlag=X11 does create the <JOBID>.extern, it does not prevent sstat -j <JOBID> from working.  There must be some other reason.  Why did I set X11? Sure it allows for things like srun --x11 xclock but why do we need it?  It isn't needed for nodescheduler.
      • If you add the -a option it works.  E.g.  sstat -a -j 1234 but this shouldn't be necessary.  I don't need the -a at CHTC.
    • Change to TaskPlugin=affinity,cgroup in accordance with recommendation in
    • Try job_container/tmpfs Does it remove the need for the reaper script?  Does it break things?
  • Done: Do another pass on the documentation
  • Done: Publish new documentation
  • Set a date to transition remaining cluster to Slurm.  Preferably before we have to pay for Torque again around Jun. 2022 or before the license expires on Sep. 30, 2022.
    • Could this coincide with the server room PDU upgrade?
  • Send email to all parties, especially the nm observer accounts, about the change.
    • Note that the submit script (which Lorant still uses) will be going away.
    • Make a draft message now with references to documentation and leave variables for dates.
  • Think about configuring RHEL- now to default to Slurm.  As of Jan. 7, 2022 all non-test nmpost nodes under nmpost091 are using RHEL- so it would make Launch day easier if all we needed to do was change DHCP and reboot the nodes.
