VLA 2022 Priorities
Prioritized list:
- Add plots to statwt weblog in PI pipeline(PIPE-1341)
- Flagging Heuristics on outlier weights (ticket to be created)
- Backup flags in hifv_applycal prior to calibration (PIPE-854)Change hifv_targetflag to flag target data using a .flagtargetstemplate.txt - (PIPE-37)
- Enable self-calibration heuristics for continuum data only in new task (hif_selfcal) and operate on only the _cont.ms (PIPE-)
Ability to use _line and cont.ms in different pipeline tasks. (PIPE-)
Spectral line calibration recipe definition (PIPE-1344)
- Zoom-in plots on non-128 MHz windows for inspection of bandpass in finalcals, semifinalBPdcals,testBPdcals, plotsummary for targets and cals (PIPE-)
- Enable basic cube imaging (PIPE-1346)
Possible RFI flagging refinements
- combine targetflag heuristics into checkflag - (PIPE-1342)
- Change hifv_targetflag to flag target data using a .flagtargetstemplate.txt - (PIPE-37)
- flux calibrator RFI flagging should use residuals - (PIPE-1274)
- multi-band weblog plots should not use shared time axis for plots (PIPE-1044)
- Zeros flagged not reported properly (PIPE-1033)
- Make an untarred MS when making a basic MS PIPE-749
- PIPE-1098 - cont.dat failures for targets with some characters
Per-baseband delay solutions (PIPE-670)
Spectral window mapping for gain calibration (PIPE-671)
enables phase calibration if not enough S/N due to faint calibrator
Antenna position corrections in a post-observation time window (CASR-556)
Gain table flagging extensions
Ripple detection (bad switch problem) (PIPEREQ-11)
Gain outlier detection (PIPEREQ-10)
Enhanced DTS issue identification and flagging (CASR-563/PIPE-986)
- Option to disable bad deformatter flagging completely or partially, (PIPE-1183)
- Generalize hifv_circfeedpolcal for all bands
Enable experimental P-band calibration
- Define requirements for the continuum imaging pipeline to use outlier fields to remove effects of bright sources rather than using large images
- RFI flagging on uv-grid (CASR-496)
- avoids flagging of bright spectral lines
- Enable data weights to be determined from switched power (CASR-476)
VLA 2022 Categorized:
- PIPE-1287 - fluxboot failing with target intent using pointing and a CG intent with the pointing setup
- PIPE-1335 - selection heuristics when delay calibrator mixed with CG intent
- PIPE-1098 - cont.dat failures for targets with some characters