Cont.dat interpretation to treat non-specified spws as continuum-only (PIPE-1043)
Design and set up independent spectral Spectral line calibration recipe that could be used by end users or triggered using recalibration workflowdefinition
- Save pre-target RFI flagging and split non-RFI flagged data after hifv_statwt using a new task (PIPE-)
- For VLA data, enable steps to run findcont to only run on line spws
- hif_makeimlist(specmode='mfs')
- hif_findcont()
- hif_uvcontfit()
- hif_uvcontsub()
Spectral window mapping for gain calibration (PIPE-671)
enables phase calibration if not enough S/N on narrow spws
- Use MS tool hanning smoothing to enable per spw hanning smoothing (CASR-523; PIPE-672)
- Zoom-in plots on non-128 MHz windows for inspection of bandpass in finalcals?